I work with Autistic children and have a question concerning restrictive interests and behaviors. So far I have received very different opinions to my questions from colleagues and coworkers, including seasoned professionals.
When an autistic child has a restrictive interest should that interest be encouraged or discouraged?
This of course is not a "bad" interest, which I would nip in the butt immediately. But for those who are interested in Thomas the Train and dinosaurs is it necessary to defer interest to other topics?
Should repetitive behaviors such as only ever using one door or walking in only one direction around the classroom be discouraged?
I have tended to ignore the interests altogether until now, not really taking an action regarding interests. As far as repetitive behaviors I tend to try and stop them simply because I find more often than not they are non-functional, and in the real world we cannot always go through the same door, as it may someday be locked.