
Results making me feel sick?

by  |  earlier

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Okay A level results day and i'm really nervous. I got my physics result online which was a E earlier and then i started vomiting, became very cold, shaking and general weakeness....

I know this is due to the results and has anyone got some way to help calm yourself down quickly as the anxiety is causing this




  1. go get yourself a glass of water, and lay down. you might want to listen to some calm music that will help you keep your mind off of it. just chill and clear your head

  2. Yeh jump in to a bath to warm yourself and help cool down the shock.

    Phone a friend to take your mind off it. You dont have to tell them about the results. Just phone them to keep yourself busy and chat. Or answer loads of questions on here to keep busy!

    Dont worry mate. Everything will be ok. Before long you will be wondering why you got so upset. You can always do your exams again. It could always have been worse. No ones died, everyones ok.

    And most of all you are not alone. So many people will be feeling the same today.


  3. Check your diet. Internal nutrition reflects your skin and hair.

    Drink Healthy Water -  clean, chemical free water at all times. Spring water is recommended because it has flowed freely against the earth´s electromagnetic field, thus restoring all the essential energy fields that are required to fully nourish the body.

    Manage Stress - Take the time for daily exercise and relaxation of the body and mind. Practising meditation or taking a few minutes for silent contemplation is highly recommended. Ziravie® offers meditation and stress management CD´s that include simple, practical and effective techniques.

    Reduce Toxicity -- Aim to minimize the intake of toxins, through consuming clean organically grown food, and avoiding unnecessary medications, strong chemical cosmetics, excessive alcohol and intoxicants.

    Taking charge of your lifestyle and nutrition, is an essential step towards restoring equilibrium. Think healthy, be healthy and live healthy.

  4. lie down and do deep breathing for a while, in through your nose, out through your mouth

    keep repeating to yourself its ok, i can get through this

  5. Firstly, make sure you are drinking enough water, because getting sick like that can really dehydrate you, which will only make you feel worse.

    But for anxiety, I recommend talking to someone, tell them how you feel, it should help you calm down to have someone to share your worries with and to help talk you out of your nerves, and if that doesn't help try talking about something else, just to distract yourself.

    Distraction has always worked the best for me, so if there is anything you know is a good distraction to you, do it!

  6. have some chocolate and a hot bath :) does the nerves good!

  7. stop stressing! go out and do things, spoil yourself, its only exams for gods sake, its not like its the end of the world.

    maybe it could be the shock knowing if you fail them you wont be able to become a lazy good for nothing student and you would have to get a REAL job like the rest of us have to.

    its only an exam, you wont go to jail,get shot, get mugged or anything serious. its just a piece of paper with a letter on it.

  8. It's only natural to feel nervous, but you've done the exams, that was the worst bit.

    Just tell yourself that there is nothing that you can do to affect the results at the moment and if they are not the results that you need, it's not the end of the world as you can always re-sit.

    As long as you did your best no-one can expect anything more from you.

    Good luck with your results :)

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