
Resume/Cover... HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have to compile a portfolio for class. It should include a resume and cover letter. I have never wrote a resume in my So need some help. On the cover letter I have a couple questions.

1) does it need to be centered or left alignment?

2) should I include my cell number as well as my home telephone number?

3) on the salutation, would "To whom it may concern" be the most appropriate?

I believe that is all the questions I have right now. May post more questions if they come to me. Only serious replies please. Thank you all very much for the help. God bless and have a great weekend




  1. Here is a site that has a ton of examples for cover letters.

  2. 1.Cover letters look best left aligned. With just your name and address and then the letter. Try to keep it limited to one page if you can, a page and a half is acceptable if you must include something to grab the employers attention but one page is best.

    2.) Only put the phone number on your resume and put down the one that you use most frequently.

    3.) Only put "To whom it may concern" if you don't know the person you are sending the letter to, if you do, start the letter off with "Dear So and so.

    The good thing about resumes is there is no proper way to write them as people have all different versions just include the basics



    email address

    telephone number

    School and graduation date (if you're in college, under it put your degree and major/ minor (if applicable)

    Work experience


    community service

    Special skills


    Also for the resume don't clutter it with words it annoys the reader if they see a bunch of words on it list by list by list. Use bullet points. Bold print what you really want them to see in the resume. Have some one look over it if you have time as well. A person should be able to look at your resume for 10 seconds and decide right then if they want to hire you if it's done correctly and you did what I told you. Remember it's your calling card. Limit it to one or two pages at max. I hate that one page rule especially if you have a lot of things you've participated in or accomplished, there's no way you can get it all on one page without it looking a mess. I always stay at two pages and I've never had a complaint.

    And of course don't forget a second page for references.

    Good luck! You'll do great!

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