
Resume Objective sport store?

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I am applying at a Sports Store for a customer service/Sales Job. The Store is a Sports Chalet/Sports Authority/Play it Again Sports/Big 5 Sporting Goods type of store. They asked me to bring in a resume. What should i put on the resume as my objective? Any Ideas. What else should i add on to my resume to make it more appealing to them. Thank You.




  1. Most folks always get this one wrong by writing down some long-winded flowery verbiage. This is not necessary. Employers (of which I am one) see thousands of resumes and appreciate short and sweet. Your objective should really be the job you are seeking. Anything else is a waste of valuable resume real estate. It should read something like this:

    "Employment Objective: Sales Representative"


    "Employment Objective: Customer Service Representative"

    For a free tutorial on why this technique will help your resume make it to the top of the employers stack (as long as the rest of your resume is sound), please visit:


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