
Resume or not?????????

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okay so this is my first time applying for a job. Do i need to include a resume with my application? The resume is suppose to have employment history and my previous training but i don't have any of that. Keep in mind im from B,C so im not sure if a resume is needed.

My friend included a resume with her applications but she doesn't ahve work expierence either.

What do i do? I need to hand it in in an hour !!




  1. yes i think so put your personal infomation and your education history  

  2. Including your resume is always good. If you dont, they are going to question why you didnt. Just add what you did in school(classes) or activites like that and be detailed.

  3. Give in a resume, it will look good with your application.  By taking the initiative to submit  a resume you are indirectly showing that employer that you are motivated and eager for this particular job.

    In the beginning of resume include Career Objectives which show how you are willing to improve yourself.  Focus your resume on your education and how much you know.  Either way, employers will understand that this is your first position and that you don't have prior work experience.

  4. Do a resume, it'll show you're organized and take the job seriously.

    You can make up a resume even if you were not formally employed listing jobs like "freelancer babysitter", "landscaping", or some other work  you have probably done.

    Put down possitive awards received at school like "perfect attendence".

    List extra curricular activities, offices held in school clubs.
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