
Retainer question after my braces?

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i was wondering I'm getting my braces off in a week. if i wear them for 24/7 for the first two weeks can i take em off for school for like 6 hours? i was told to wear it 24/7 but i know a lot of my friends who don't and there teeth are fine. yes they were told 24/7 also




  1. I would wear it as much as i could, saying that the orthodontist told me too. i recommend going back to him, telling him this, and ask him if it would be healthy for your teeth. you don't want to mess up your teeth, just because you didn't wear your retainer when you weren't supposed too. good luck,

  2. Actually, there is a point where you can stop wearing your retainer for 24/7 and only have to wear it when you get home from school and in bed. However, you may want to ask your dentist when it will be safe to do so.

  3. it's hard to say, i use to wear my retainer at night and my teeth shifted because it of. You'll notice right away though, if you're having a hard time putting the retainer back on .. or if it's a tight fit, then just wear it 24/7. you're parents (or whomever) paid a lot of money for your teeth and trust me later on down the road you'll thank them.

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