
Retake the SAT subject tests in the fall?

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took the SAT subject tests for literatuer, math 2 and chemistrry in june. didnt get teh scores yet but i definitely know i did well on chemistry, at least a 600 minimum? hopefully.

literature was a massacre......i didnt once open my brand new kaplan review book to study. i basically went to the test knowing nothing about the test. i almost cried during the test and almost fell asleep (even though it was the first one i took). i answered like 30 out of the 60 or sumtin qeustions, and i basically guessed on most of them cuz i didnt want to leave too many blank. i told my dad to prepare himself when i tell him my score cuz i know i did really bad, i dont even think i got a 500. he thinks that if i do decide to take any subject tests in teh fall that i should still retake literature even though i suck and prob wont study again this summer.

should i retake literature? if it seemed hard the first time, it should be teh same second time around rite?




  1. well i think u should take it again coz littreture is really good and well gives u points in colloge in wutever ur gonna study coz it means u know how to write good

    and if u study well u would do great my sister studied well for the test and she said she ddnt leave a single place empty and she is very excited to know hger grade and u should do the same my cozn took litrture 3 or so years ago in te sat exams and he works for one of the top law firms in england because of his littrture and im going to take it in the fall too :)

    good luck and study well

  2. "i suck and prob wont study again this summer. "

    If that is your attitude, then definitely don't bother retaking it. Obviously it is the same test and will be just as difficult for you the second time around.

    But, if you decide that it's important to you to do well on this test, then you should definitely start studying (especially practice tests) so you can improve your score in October.

    Or, you can even try taking a different test in an area that you are more interested or more talented in.

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