
Retaking a math class in high school?

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Hi, im going to be a senior this upcoming school year and i was wondering if retaking a math class will have any negative effects on me, such as when i apply for college?I took Math Analysis my junior year and received a C both semesters. I signed up for AP Calc, the only math classes i could take besides business math. I went to school today to find out that they have removed me from Ap Calc and said i should retake Math Analysis to improve on it and they think i'm not ready for AP Calc. They said it won't affect anything with college negatively and it would be looked at as myself trying improve my math skills, but i would like to hear some other opinions. I feel pretty stupid right now. I took 3 AP classes last year and received GPAs of 3.5 and 3.7, i know it doesn't have they don't have to do with math, but i still feel like i'm dumb, with the idea that i'm retaking a class a already took, it kinda feels like i failed it. Anyone with knowledge about how this could affect me, please help!

Thank you.




  1. I think the school is right.  Personally, I felt that when I earned Cs I never really understood what the subject was about.  I could reason well enough to pass but not enough to figure out why something I was doing was wrong.

    If you aren't ready for AP Calc, it sounds like retaking Math Analysis (whatever that is) might be better than business math unless it is a fairly rigorous class that covers accounting practices.  Otherwise, it might just be practice in arithmetic for students not ready for higher math.  You might not be ready for higher math yourself.  Don't feel dumb.  Not everyone gets everything the first time through.  I don't and I had primarily A's in both undergraduate and graduate courses.  If you think that you will understand the math in Math Analysis better the second time around, go ahead and take it.  It matters what you learn in it, not which class will get you the higher grade.

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