We have a mobile phone with a really good flash and the other night we were taking pictures of our tot with the flash in a dark room. We took about 50 pictures.
On about 5 of them one or both eyes were white.Not always the same eye. About 15 had red eye,the rest she either wasnt in direct focus with the phone or the eyes were blue.
I understand that the white eye can signify a tumour in children but she was tested by a ophthalmologist with dilated pupils a few days ago and it was fine. I have already asked this question but was hoping for anyone to tell me if a really bright flash can cause this - or shouldut was a truly be concerned?
Also would an ophthalmologist really be able to tell? This sounds stupid but she turned the lights off and used the dilation drops and used one of those things on her head to look all around the eye, she said she was happy.
Also, would the eyes show as red in between the white ones if she has retinoblastoma?