
Retired Cops?

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Can retired cops carry guns?

I know they get retired police I.D. and badges when they retire.




  1. Federal Law H.R. 218 gives off-duty, as well as retired, police officers right to carry reciprocity throughout the nation.

  2. Yes. The Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act, signed into law by President Bush in 2005, exempts all active and retired officers from all state laws regarding carry of firearms.

  3. That depends on the department policy, but in most areas: YES!

  4. Anyone can carry a gun with proper permits. I think retired cops would be the last people who would be denied gun permits.

  5. Yes, they are still licenced to still carry ther gun, with their

    permit. <}:-})

  6. Yes, in all 50 states. HR 218 requires national reciprosity for active & retired LEOs relating to the carry of fireams off-duty. Not all states require retired LEOs to have a regular permit, their retired LEO credentials are used instead.


    - David

  7. Yes...

  8. In Illinois there is not a concealed gun law. It is one of the few states or maybe the only state that does not have some type of concealed gun law. Retired police officers in Illinois can apply for permit to carry a gun. It costs $75.00 and requires a strick background check. If you have a history of disiplinary problems you can be denied, and probably should. I was a cop for 21 years and I have seen some real winners out there that shouldn't have had ever.

  9. Yes, they can...but they still need a permit, but they will almost always get it.

  10. yup. Matter of fact ANYONE can carry a gun if they have a concealed weapons permit!!
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