
Retractable leashes.....?

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What do you think about them?

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PS-- I only ask because I was walking my dog the other day and some lady told me that retractable leashes are dangerous




  1. Personally, I don't care for them. I prefer a 4 to 6 foot leash, which gives you more control.

    Those leashes aren't dangerous themselves, it's the way some people use them. Where I work, I see so many people do dangerous things with them. I see people get out of the car with their dogs, and don't lock the leash so the dog ends up running 15 feet across the parking lot. Or when they are in the store, and the dog is at the very end of the leash, making it into another aisle, and gets into confrontations with other dogs.

    If you use the leash responsibly, nothing wrong with it. :)

  2. Hate them, i personally find them cumbersome and uncomfortable to hold, especially on long walks

    Never heard of them being dangerous as such, but it is people who do not have control over their dog  so walk with flexi leashes who cause the danger. These people are not aware of dog 'etiquette' and will let their dogs run at the length of the lead, right up to other dogs who may not be happy with dogs invading their space

  3. Retractable leashes should only be used if your dog has good leash manners and you just want to give them a little more freedom on a walk, like when you're walking without a whole lot of other people or dogs around. This applies to both small and large breed dogs. They can also be handy for people who live in apartments and have to take their dogs outside on a leash to go potty. They can give their dogs a little more freedom to sniff and squat [lol].

    But, for walks in heavy people/dog traffic areas or if your dog does not have good leash manners, they can be dangerous and very annoying for you and other people around you. They can break, get wrapped around something, or you can get a pretty nasty burn if the cord swipes you across the leg really fast. Ouch!

  4. well i have a Papillon and she loves the retractable leash but if you have a bigger dog it might be bad because they may be able to pull you so i think that the retractable leashes are better for small dogs hope this helps

  5. The owners are the ones that need the training with retractable leashes.  Most owners let the leash extend all the way which gives absolutely no control of the dog if something bad happens.  It also does not teach your dog to walk "with" you, it gives them free range.

  6. I personally am not a fan. I think they are dangerous. You have little, if any, control over the dog and that can get the dog hurt. They can easily be broken. Ands most people when they have their dogs on them, don't pay much attention to them or let them just go where ever they feel like. They are just a danger to the dog and the dogs around them.

  7. I use them in certain situations..  on the beach (it's not mandatory, but their recall is onlly 50/50 right now.. so with so much distraction.. it's better to be on the safe side)   or the park (where I allow my beagle to be what he was born to be..  a scent hound.. )  

    I refuse to EVER use them on a street (or sidewalk)..    they can last awhile but one GOOD lunge and they can snap..  I've had it happen (even with a small dog)

  8. retractables can be dangerous.

    They should only be used in certain situations..  such as walking your dog in your yard to potty..  playing in an unfenced area..  or for training recall.

    If you're going to be in a situation where there will be other traffic..  either vehicle, pedestrian, equestrian, bicyclists, etc.. a shorter leash is adviseable.

    I hate it when I go to the vet and people let their dog's roam around the vet office on those retractibles.. the dogs want to approace everyone else's pets..  and most other pets are not socialble!

    If you drop the leash, it can retract and scare your dog, he will go runnung when this thing comes "chasing" after him..  the leash can smack him and cause damage when it finally fully retracts.

    the dog can get yourself tangled and wrapped in the long leash.  If you try to grab the leash as it retracts or as the dog pulls, you can burn your hands.

    Yes they do have the potential to cause harm.

  9. Wow, someone else named kawaii? Haha.

    They are good for small dogs, and some types of larger dogs. Retractable leashes are not dangerous, maybe she was playing and wrapped it around her neck or something. If she thinks a retractable leash is dangerous maybe having a dog is dangerous too..

    If you have a large breed that is active its best to get a chain one or a leather leash.

    If you have a Pomeranian, retractable ones are BEST! Can you picture putting a giant chain leash on your tiny Pom?? Lol!

  10. I use them too on my mini doxie. The reason why they are dangerous is because they can actually burn you or the dog in retracted too fast..ouch!

    I suppose if you accidentally loose your grip and let it go it could knock your dog senseless too. Hmmm....I guess the bottom line is preference!

  11. I don't know if they are dangerous.

    I would not use one, but my dog is a Rough Collie and is 4X bigger than your dog at only 15 weeks!

    I would be concerned with them breaking, like gadgets and things are known to do.

    Our neighbors use one with their Sheltie and it seems like they are satisfied with it.

    But, other than that...if you know how to use them and are good at it and are good at controlling your dog on a walk...

    Go for it!

  12. I don't like them.

    They do have a nasty habit of breaking.  It happens far too much.

    Part of it is how owners use them. They let the dogs far out on them where they can run into the street and up to another dog and get themselves in trouble before the owner can "reel" them in.

    It's far better even with a little dog to get a sturdy 6 foot nylon leash and teach them to heel properly.  That way, they can't break the leash and you can get them under control fast when trouble comes.

  13. I think they are fantastic for smaller dogs, but for bigger dogs I think it would be best to use the big normal sturdy ones. And for first time owners.  

    edit- Oh hi there kawaii! lol!! Lovely name ^3^

  14. I think they are terrible. All they do is reward the dog for leaving you and make it easier for some terrible accident to occur. They aren't great for any dogs let alone small breeds. What if another animal tried to attack your dog or if you didn't see a car in the street? Wouldn't you rather have your dog close to you? Walking your dog is a time for bonding not running away (in essence). These leashes are just creating an opportunity for an accident...


    I have both small and large dogs who all do well on a 6 ft lead. I really think that is all anyone should need unless practicing recall (as nekkid dog said)--that is the only use for them in my opinion

  15. Retractable leashes are suitable for casual use with small dogs or really well trained larger dogs.  Retractable leashes are NOT appropriate for large dogs that are prone to lunging or for use in crowded public areas.  I have 75lb+ dogs and I do own one retractable leash which gets used infrequently for walks.  But both of my dogs are trained not to pull, even when the see a rabbit or squirrel, and are great under voice control so they can be controlled at a distance.  And I never use the retractable leash when I am walking more than one dog or when I am walking in an area where I expect to have to maneuver around a lot of people.

    Personally I am not a big fan of them because most of the people who use them have not trained their dog well enough.  And retractable leashes CAN be very dangerous, for both dogs (who can get into a lot of trouble at that distance, particularly if the owner is not paying attention to their dog, if they are not under voice control) AND for people (I've been literally burnt by them, it HURTS!).  The all-belt ones are ok, the cord ones really really hurt if you have to grab it quickly (which is what I automatically do if I need to quickly shorten a leash) and can give rope burn to the dog walker or other innocent victims.  Even a 7lb dog can cause rope burn with a cord leash.  And even a retractable leash that is appropriately rated for a dog can easily be broken by one solid lunge, leaving the dog walker with no way of reeling the dog in or controlling the dog.

  16. I feel they are for people who can not control there dogs on shorter leads.  When you are walking 5 dogs on short leads and a small dog 10 meters away from it's owner comes over to play.  It is not fun and it is me who normally gets tangled up and ends up on my ***. With the other owner shouting come here Fifi, come here.  OOH she's so playful isn't she.   YES! now please could you get some scissors or call the fire brigade as i can't feel my legs.  LOL

  17. it depends if your dog is trained good and how big it is.

    small dogs are better for them big dogs not so much, it could break off since its so think if the dog was strong.

    also if the dog was to wander into the street on it since you have a small dog people might not see it.

    but it all depends on how safely you use them.

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