
Return deck/draw?

by  |  earlier

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This is my Return deck. dont suggest disc commander as i dont like it, i'm all 4 atk power in this deck. i no longer have any dark armed dragons and dont wish to spend the same amount of money as is sold them 4. duuuurrr. also if any1 says..."u only have 13 monsters then your a noob and obviously dont kno how the deck works, and magical stone excavation is too expensive.

Monsters 13

Dark magician of Chaos x1

Dark Horus x1 (dont have nephthys)

Jinzo x1

Destiny hero Dasher x3

Destiny hero Diamond dude x3

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Cyber valley x3

Allure Of Darkness x3

Destiny draw x3

Reasoning x3

monster gate x3

Dimension Fusion x1

Machine duplication x1

Monster reborn x1

Premature burial x1

Heavy storm x1

Lightning vortex x1

Scapegoat x1

Mystical space typhoon x1

Brain Control x1

D.D.R x1

Torrential tribute x1

Need 4 more cards to this deck which is reli what this Q is all about. not to interested in traps as its very fast. thnx




  1. i would probs be inclined to suggest mirror force and return from the different dimension ... but i dont know how fast it is so ill just leave that for you to work out =P

    4 more cards ... no magical stones? ... how about using spell reproduction instead? ... discard 2 spell cards to add a spell from your grave to your hand .. its a common from dark crisis ... swap dark horus for virtually anything nephthys would be best i think but if u aint got 1 lol ... zerato if u got it ... possibly sacred pheonix for the s/t destruction ... hope this helps

  2. The only way I can think of helping is letting you know that as of May 9th Dimension Fusion is banned, Allure of Darkness is at 1 or 2 I can't remember exactly and Return from the Different Dimension is at 1. So you'll have to rebuild. You can use Mask of Darkness to get Return back into your hand if it's in your grave. But other then that Return decks are pretty much broken.
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