
Return open, un-used duvet cover and lamp to ikea?

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I bought several items at Ikea yesterday, and have decided that I do not like two of them- a duvet cover and a lamp.

Both of these items have been removed from their packaging.

I have not used the duvet cover and the lamp has already been taken apart and put back in its box.

My question is- will Ikea accept these items for an exchange or store credit?

I still have the reciept and it's been well under 90 days.




  1. The return policy at Ikea is 45 days, with your receipt and as much of the original packaging as you can. They will restuff the duvet cover for you, but try and bring the plastic if you still have it (if not, it's no big deal).

    If you have the receipt, Ikea will give you a refund in the method of payment (debit for debit, cash for cash, credit card for credit card): If the method is electronic (debit/credit) try and have the same card that was used to purchase the items, otherwise they can give you a hassle (it's a legal issue of returning stolen merchandise to a different card, etc). Hope that's not too confusing!

    If you don't have the reciept (which you do, so you can ignore this if you want), it's store credit or exchange for the last purhcase price (ie. if your lamp went on sale, then it's the last price because they don't know how much you paid for it).

    Stuff bought from As-Is/Scratch and Dent is not returnable.

    If it's over 45 days, then it's usually store credit or refund on the same terms, but subject to the discretion of the employee/supervisor.

    Good luck--they won't give you much hassle.

  2. yes! just bring your receit and they will gladly take it back

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