
Returned from holiday 1st may Thomson's lost 2 out of 3 checked in luggage paid out oe 1 case 1 month ago

by  |  earlier

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now for over 1 month i have been trying to get them to pay out for the 2nd missing case i am ringing the company who deals with the claims twice a week i just keep getting fobbed off with saying it iwaiting to bee seen 2 have any body got any advise on who i can contact who may be able to help thanks




  1. Sometimes making it public will help, such as a letter to the editor of a high circulation paper and send Thompson's a copy.  They don't want a publicized issue, which it can become if a reporter who does human interest stories picks it up.  If you do send a letter to the editor make sure it simply clearly states the facts and outlines the difficulty you have had with getting the issue sorted.  Don't vent your anger too much.

  2. hiya leeanne,when that happened to my uncle/aunt,they had no joy so they were told to go to citizen advice.they wrote/phone the travel agent took 3 weeks to sort it out. they got there conpansation for there lost luggage.and they did not pay any money to citezen was all free,and they did all the work.try them and see how you  get on.good luck.xx

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