
Reusable shopping bags....?

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So, I have been using reusable shopping bags for months now. I usually don't shop at Walmart, but today I did for the 1st time since I've had my bags. The cashier gave me the biggest attitude. I was kind of taken back by it. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had to deal with this. I found it a little strange. Thanks, all. Have a beautiful day!




  1. What kind of attitude?  I have never had trouble at all with  wal-mart and my reusable bags.  The only time there might be a problem is if the cashier you bought them from forgot to put the date on the inside of the bags.  They do this so they know the bags had been paid for.  If your bag didn't have this she might have thought you didn't pay for it.  That's the only reason I can see for the attitude.   If the cashier's attitude was over something else then that cashier is just a b****

  2. Our Wal-Mart now has their own reusable bags, so I'm surprised the cashier gave you grief about it.  Hopefully it'll become mainstream soon for people to be using reusable bags.  Like the others have said though, I'm sure they get their butts chewed out if they're not going fast enough.

  3. Yes, cashiers and other store personnel are trained to interpret anything which is a little out of routine as possible trouble. No doubt they thought the use of other bags was part of a shoplifting scheme. Just look the salesperson in the eye, open the bag to show it's empty and explain that you are trying to conserve by reusing plastic bags.

    I also reuse them at home before throwing them out. I use them to line the inside of baskets which I use as planters. I also cut vegetables on them so I can scoop up the refuse, bag and all and have no counter mess. Take care.

  4. Don't let anyone give you grief for doing something environmentally responsible.

    Those Wal-Mart cashiers have grown so used to their conveniences such as their turntable bag loaders, that anyone interfering with their flow could be considered annoying to them, when it shouldn't.  As long as they are serving the needs of the customer, they are doing their job.  But in this case, retailers are always encouraging their cashiers to cash out their customers more quickly, but obvioulsy,  exceptions have to be made for this.  T

    Those plastic Wal-Mart bags are not biodegradable, and they require oil to make them.  Two reasons proving you are doing the right thing and all people would do good to follow your example.

    Use your own bags, don't let anyone ever discourage you for it and I recommend you report that person immediately to their manager next time.

    You're setting a good and positive example using your own bags, and people like that who don't like it, should be made an example of.

  5. thats weird why sould the cashier give you an attitude becasue of your bags, that doesnt make sense


    at least im not the only one who cares about unnessicary waste

  6. Maybe she was just having a bad day.  I know that isn't a good excuse for her being rude to you but haven't you ever acted inappropriately when you didn't feel your best.  I'd just let it go if I were you, it's not that big of a deal.  

    Gold star for using canvas bags, rock on!

  7. That's great that you are using those bags. I do as well. One thing I do in order to feel extra good about doing it is I make sure my bags are made domestically.... And I don't shop at Wal Mart either... I attached a pbs television clip for you here called "Is Wal Mart Good For America". You can google it too if you want.

    I watched it almost two years ago and I haven't been back to Wal Mart since.

    or google: Is Wal Mart Good For America?

  8. We use reusable bags too, arent they great? Wal-mart is the only place that gives us grief about it too. I used to be a cashier for Wal-mart and they treat their cashiers awful if they dont go really fast, so im sure the stores have made a stink to the cashiers about how much time they were wasting. You think Wal-mart would be happy, since your not using their bags your saving them money! All Wal-mart cares about is money anyways, they arent concerned with the environment. I try to make most of my purchases from locally owned companies. I rather have to go to four different stores to buy what i need rather then get it all from Wal-Mart.

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