
Rev. Platters told me that if you are bad, you will go to h**l,...?

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where demons will sodomise you with their 3 ft. long penises for all eternity, and his words, they did frighten the living bejaysus out of me, the truth for to tell. So, this got me wondering, what in the blazes is 'sodomise'?




  1. Read about Sodom and Gamorrah in Genesis 19 then use a little guess-work and I'm sure you'll figure it out.


  2. I believe you already KNOW what this word means in that you have described the instrument for which sodomy is used as "3 feet long".  Your original question however was that, "if you are bad, would you go to h**l?" The answer is no.  The only way that we are taught from the Bible that one can go to h**l is to refuse to acknowledge and accept the Son of God.  h**l was not made for Believers, only satan and the fallen angels who joined him.  

  3. its to practice s*x they will have s*x with you

  4. First of all, I don't believe that any minister told you this.  You made that part up.  You also made up his description of h**l.  There is no biblical reference to anything like this.

    If you're really so anxious to find out about sodomy, try it yourself and stop disgusting Yahoo with this type of garbage.

  5. there is no h**l....

  6. I will try to state this in a nice way.

    Sodomy is intercourse thru the anal cavity. Not natural.

    Also what the man told you may be his idea of what happens but it is not scripture.If you go to [h**l] you will be destroyed.The fire is unquenchable but you are not imortal.

  7. Bend over & touch your toes in front of a priest - you'll soon find out.


  8. copulate with an animal  or to practice anal s*x upon.... thats the def.

  9. i have no idea but  i highly doubt that your preist actualy told you that and no matter what kind of demon there is no SUCH THING AS A THREE FOOT LONG PENISE

  10. Ask any minister or priest who is homophobic and he will either tell you in graphic detail or even demonstrate for you.

    s*x is like grass growing through concrete. Nothing will stop it.  

  11. Its g*y s*x between two guys

  12. no clue but no offense, that guy sounds like a freak... you can be badly behaved, but God is always listenin to prayers and gives forgiveness...

  13. You're an idiot. Thanks for the points.

  14. Dude do what ever u like nd no one will stop u

    nd thats the ways it should b

  15. Did he seriously say it like that?! Sodomize is basically g*y s*x.  

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