
Rev. Wright said that no race is superior over the other. But don't you think that each race...?

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have different strong and weak points? For example, my race group is physically inferior to most blacks because most of us are short and lack the mass for sports. On the other hand I believe that most blacks are physically inferior when it comes to swimming. African blacks are good in long distance running but American blacks are sprinters. Also culture plays an important role in the level of racial superiority. Men may be physically superior to women but women are emtionally stronger than men. Nothing wrong the superiority or inferiority, it's how we deal with it that counts most.




  1. No.

    'Race' is a completely bogus concept; there's no way to divide humans into an exhaustive and exclusive set of categories of races.

    It's simply not true that people whose ancestors were from a given continent all have the same strengths and weaknesses.

    PEOPLE vary.

    It's simply not true that every man is physically superior to every woman; or that every woman is emotionally stronger than every man.

    Uh, saying some people are inferior IS saying something bad about them; that's what the word MEANS.

  2. Are you serious?  Which planet do you come from?  There is a wwealth of literature out there contradicting the racist views of racial superiority.  Do some reading if you are still confused on this question.

  3. I believe it is very detrimental for any one or any race to view themselves as matter what they may or may not be gifted with.

    I am not suggesting that we ignore our talents or abilities...or that we should not develop those abilities....we should...and we should use those talents for the good of all men...

    To think of oneself as being to be full of pride....

    and Pride..comes before the fall.

  4. Each race is unique and we should endeavor to draw the best out of their such advanced traits.

  5. I think you have made up your mind, regardless of the lack of knowledge within.

  6. The word 'superior' in and of itself has a derogatory tone to it...because it hints that everything else is 'inferior', or somehow flawed.   Granted, certain races have different capabilities...athletically speaking...but to say that makes them superior is kind of off the mark.

  7. Judging people by physical abilities?  The mind has so much more to offer.

    It is thought blacks have more speed but whites are better in endurance.   White people are better on average at running a mile but blacks are better at sprinting.  Blacks are better at boxing but white are better at wrestling and weight lifting.  Popular sports in America are more geared towards blacks anyway.

    West Africa is were African Americans descended from and are better at sprinting  East Africans are better at endurance.

  8. As I do believe that different traits tend to be just a bit more in different races this is not always the rule, it's a generalization.

  9. Think of this way, a young child thinks, oh, I am suppose to be good at sports and tries his best at the sport and he's not good at it, what is he going to think about himself. If he is good there are very few jobs for him to go into because you have to be nearly superhuman to get into the big game. He may even be good at math but ignore that ability trying to be what he is suppose to be. What we need are doctors and scientist not ball players.

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