
Rev Wright says the rich avoid war but so do his beloved poor. Its us middle class whites who fight.?

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  1. i went to college with a Senator's Grandson. I suppose he was the second most powerful man in the country. His Grandson went to Fort Polk about a month before I did and about a month before getting out of AIT, he stopped by to tell me that he had orders for Nam..

    Wright doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground.. He's just an idiot hater.. He's doing more to wreck obama than Hillary..

  2. Being rich does have it's benefits..Would you rather be rich or poor?

  3. Yes, but that group of men that's fightin is where the loyalty to this country is. Wright and his crew can't say that I don't care if he was still in the Marines. He forgot "Semper Fidelous."

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