
Revenge, a great idea/concept?

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I believe many of you have been hurt before by your enemies in your lives, and i would like to know, did you eventually get back to them, or just let it go? Did you resort to praying to God? is revenge a great idea?




  1. Revenge may feel good at the time, but it'll always come back and bite you in the behind.

    Prayer will help you release your anger but it's not a silver bullet - you need to take action to forgive the other person - otherwise you'll be consumed with their demise and lose sight of your life/goals/dreams.

  2. god doesn't do anything, try praying to Santa.

  3. praying to god would be like fitting wheels to a tomato. Completely useless and you look stupid doing it.  

  4. Revenge is something that people try and carry out to make people hurt as they do. Executing revenge makes people feel as if there is some sense of justice in the world.

    None of us know what a perfect revenge is. We don't understand perfectly the circumstance and the mind of the offender. Thus we cannot have a perfect sense of justice. I believe this is why we are told in the Bible to leave vengeance to God - "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."

    From a psychological point of view, forgiveness is beneficial. In my opinion, far too many people hurt themselves by not letting go. That is, continuing to reopen their own wounds.

  5. Revenge is never a good idea!! Let it go. Life is better if you just let it go.

    My mom use to say "... what goes around comes around", eventually karma catches up with all of us.

    Let God take care of your enemies.

    Life is too short to live with the anger. Be happy. Ignore them, they are not worth the effort, or possible jail time, depending on your act of revenge. And remember they may continue the cycle of revenge and it will just get uglier.

  6. That's interesting-- I have been thinking about the need for revenge the last couple of days.Where does it sprout from? It seems like you gather a good amount of anger when someone has managed to cause REAL damage on you.

    A good alternative to harming the other person back can be to release all this energy somewhere else- maybe sports or any other vigorous activity. Human relationships are complex and can be highly toxic, and being vindictive can certainly complicate your life.

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