
Revenge on a P.E. teacher?

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i need to think of a good prank to play on my P.E teacher without getting me into to much trouble or without a trace, not getting caught muahahahaha




  1. Get hold of his whistle as close to a games lesson as possible and put a little Fairy Liquid and a few drops of water in it. Empty out the excess and put the whistle back ready for him at the start the lesson. Be ready to laugh when he blows it!

  2. simple, kick a ball real hard..keeping in mind its their head your aiming for. lol they wont suspect a thing. lol

  3. Stab him it's the norm these days

  4. say "ha" you are education's equivalent of a dentist! p.e teachers are the spawn of satan!

  5. Sneezing powder, itching powder are all good jokes. I'm going to use a few of them in this coming school year...can't wait to get started! It's so fun as long as you don't get caught!

    P.S: no offence to any teachers out there but seriously it is fun winding you up.

  6. put his car in the trade-it, its free and you can do it online, untraceable unless he's some crazy IT hacker,  

  7. When I was in Year 11 [I think], 2 boys stole a P.E teachers bike and hid it or something. [He must have travelled to school on a bike].

  8. If they have a car, and if you can access the petrol cap, put a golf ball into the petrol tank. They'll spend years trying to get the car fixed

  9. dont think theyll find it funny especially when theyv got back to work blues

  10. oh  - you can try.

    But you will be running laps forever.

  11. Are you so keen on death? Immolation and ridicule?

    Get a life. P.E. teachers were born to rule over silly little boys.

    That is a useful lesson to learn.

  12. it aint really worth it.

    and you dont know whats gonna happen if you pull a prank, no matter what it is. it might not go as you will expext and it could kill you or him.

    even hiding and jumping out behnd somenody can get you killed. you dont know what will be in there hands and their reaction to what just happens next thing you know your either in jail or the morgue or your teacher too

  13. Seriously, just keep out of trouble. It's totally stupid and not worth anything

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