
Reverse 'psychic'ology...?

by  |  earlier

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When I was young, if I wanted sth. I'd frantically visualize the opposite to happen. Then as I matured it started to fade away... because of the realization that there are so many possibilities that even if I didn't want X to happen there are A,B,C... infinite probabilities exist that could happen. And there was another one where if one day I experienced all th good things I knew by heart that the next day all the bad things will align in row. Thank god I lost the latter one.

So I was just curious what other psychic abilites you used to have or still do and how they affect your lifestyle. Thanx!




  1. You are saying that by thinking the contrary of what you wished resulted in the manifestation of the opposite,frankly

    i don't understand what you said

  2. What you were experiencing was known as synchronicity. The mind tries to see corelations between things. What happens is you think something and the opposite happens. A childs mind naturally believe they influence this thing as they believe they are the center of the universe. As we make note of the wins and not the loses, we dont realize that our success rate is very low (kind of like scratch ticket addiction or slot machines).

    As you got older you lost this ability because you realized you werent the center of the universe and your thoughts didnt change events in the real world. You came to understand coincidence better.

  3. i can read all minds and i know everything, i (like every psychic) just don't have to prove it.

  4. i think i used to have some, but they are lost to me now, its hard for me to even think about how i had them and used them

  5. You must read about OCD. That is exactly what you are talking about.

  6. reverse psychology

    This act is telling someone the opposite of what you really want them to do, because you know that they intend to displease you.

    Example I tell my kid. "Don't you dare eat all of your carrots". so they eat all the carrots because they think i really do not want them to eat them.

    What you described would be like using reverse psychology on yourself which I am not saying isn't possible but am concerned anyone would want to admit they can trick their own mind into thinking one thing so much that the opposite is likely to happen.

    Yes i would think that once you grew up this would fade away and i say that is a good thing.

    I am sorry however I would not classify this as a physic ability at all just a learned ability that I could see no positive outcome.

    Me myself have no physic ability at all and i honestly doubt that if i did i would tell anyone about it.

  7. this is a normal experience faced by many young kids in the begining they think visualing opposite shall make what they want to be true but it is just an illusion the thing they vissualise has such low possibility to be true that it does not happen or sometime it is a coincidence. it fades away as we mature.

  8. We are all psychic, but for the majority the gift or the belief has been long knocked out of them. Educated out is another way of looking at it. Many professional psychics have grown up in a psychic friendly environment. Perhaps a grand-parent or parent with the knowledge has helped bring the extra sense out in the open and encouraged its use. But there are as many practicing psychics who have not had the benefit of caring psychic guidance and who have still managed to develop and hone this natural extra sense.

    To tap in to your Psychic Sense you can go to my free psychic development pages here: and here:

    And some interesting psychic tests are here:

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