
Review of Melbourne's public transport system?

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Review of Melbourne's public transport system?




  1. It sucks!

    Ok, I'm being a little too harsh - at least it's there so that's a plus. But I come from a city that was about the same size as Melbourne, but the transportation was so much better and more convenient - there was a subway, bus, train, and tram system. In Melbourne we have a train system, and a tram system. I've hear rumours of buses, but I hear most of them only run once an hour. I say I "hear" because I've never actually seen a bus in all my time living here. Most suburbs only have the one train station, and the one train line that takes you into the city. The train only really runs frequently between 8-9 and 3-6, and by "frequently" I mean every 15 minutes. Other than that, the train will run every 30 minutes during the day, and every 60 minutes in the evening (wow soooo convenient!). Of course, it doesn't matter because there's usually no way to get to the train station besides walking or driving, and of course, there's very little parking around the train station (very intelligent planning there). Oh, and then you have the trams that run alright during the day, but don't plan on being out past 7pm because then they only run every 30 minutes (because everyone should be home by then anyway...)

    I'm used to a system where the subway runs every 2-4 minutes all day and evening, everyday. Ditto with trams and buses - and they continue running frequently late into the evening, and some even 24hours. In comparison, the Melbourne system is very poorly run.  

  2. They have a trolley system similar to San Francisco's. It's fairly easy to use and inexpensive (well it was when i travelled there in 2001, dont know what it is like now!)

  3. Overcrowded, unreliable, and plagued by unfriendly and unhelpful staff, who would rather fine you than sell you a ticket. An absolute disgrace.

  4. I never used to think it was that great until I travelled. We're truly spoiled here with our trams and trains and connecting bus services. It's cheap too (well compared to Sydney). Melbourne you pay per zone, and Sydney you pay per station.

    Melbourne CBD is very user friendly, and there's usually someone around to answer your questions.

  5. Im bias because im a student and have spend the past like six years getting public transport every single day. Its okay but its pretty frustrating, trains get cancelled sometimes and you cant figure out whats going on and no one is around to help or is willing to. Its also too expensive if you ask me (but I am a student). But I have been to some other places in Australia and its way better then theirs.

  6. Melbourne's public transport system is brilliant. They not only have a very extensive train network with connecting buses, but they also have dozens of tram routes and with integrated ticketing, you use the same ticket for all three. I live in Brisbane and the ease of getting around Melbourne never fails to impress me when I visit.

  7. its all right

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