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Please help me, i have just found out that i have a history exam on tuesday. and i havnt revised for it much, its crim and punishment!! i really dont know where to start though, as theres so much to revise. help me please :) thanks in advance




  1. i found making flash cards really good for revising, write a question on one side and the answer in the other, try to answer the questions without looking at the answer but the answer is there if you need it, the more you keep looking at the questions the more you will remember.

    good luck with your exams!

  2. The only thing you can do is revise as much as you possibly can. I should know, I have my History exam tomorrow.

    Make flash cards, write out notes, revise is a way that works best for you.

    Good luck in your exam. =]

  3. Hi, Im pants at revision too but have found that using postcards really help, if they're coloured ones you can split them into topics and put all the main stuff you need to know on them, don't write essays just bullet points or even spider diagrams.stick them in your bag and then wherever you go you can revise if you get 5 mins.Im sure you'll be fine just relax, you'll be suprised how much you actually know so don't worry! Good luck!!

  4. look on that its brill for revisin
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