
Revolution at my school. Please i need ideas!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friends are thinking about doing a revolution at our school. There's this new thing thatslike when teacher dont go to classes another teacher comes and substitutes. EVERY1 hates it but NO1 does a d**n about it, so me and my friends want to do something about it. Having a strike or something wont solve things, because people just wont do it, and neither a letter will. So please dont tell me to do nothing. Me and my friends want to have some ideas. We thought something like at 2 or 3 am we go to school with locks and really strong chains and posters and lock the school and spread posters all around the school. If you have a better idea please tell us, this school needs serious changes.




  1. Raise the red flag!

    You can redistribute all of the textbooks equally among the students educate yourselves.

    soon you'll eliminate class distinctions and have a perfect society

  2. I really don't see what's so unreasonable about having a sub take over when the teacher doesn't show up. That's a standard rule at every school in my area, including mine, and it always has been. I assumed it was everywhere.

    The school is responsible for your well-being. They can't let you just leave if the teacher isn't there because if you get hurt, that's their responsibility. ie. They get sued big time, and people could lose jobs if the situation is bad enough.

    Stop being selfish. Be reasonable instead. It will help you in the long term.

    Do nothing.

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