
Revolution or Im moving....?

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So I'm really tired of our politics in our country and was wondering about applying for citizenship in Canada. I can't stand a government that robs their people of money, imposes its will by making unjust laws, and the list goes on and on. I think I wanna try Canada. Once upon a time, the government was afraid of the people, now people fear the government. What a sad world>




  1. i agree we do need a type of revolution and you saying we need a revolution but in the same paragraph you say you want to move to Canada is exactly why America and Americans won't have a revolution unless they are pushed to a limit our country has only seen once and i don't think we will ever need a drastic one that we had before but i do agree with some type of revolution. as for the drugs i don't agree because we should have limits and i know cigarettes and alcohol are dangerous as well but you can also say if you put that drug in the wrong hands it as well could be just as deadly.

  2. You can't stand a government that robs their people of money, imposes it's will by making unjust laws, and you want to move to Canada???

    You may want to do some research on Canada before you proclaim it to be the promised land.

  3. You got it, pal. If only we could unite and defeat them. Remember they have the media and communications are very limited. The TimeWarner conglomerate is the Dark Lord of Media and they are one leg of the triangle of control. I cannot see a clear way to break their hold at this point. This is what brought the early settlers to come here and will be what drives their descendants to emigrate away. Apart from revolt, it only leaves emigration. They mock us.

  4. The time for action against a government that was able to murder close to 100 citizens in Waco  and shoot unarmed women in the head while holding their new born has come and gone. There is no longer a question if the U. S. Military will or will not kill American citizens if told to do so.

    The War on Terror has made it possable to pass laws allowing the government to lock one away as long as they want without any charges being filed and no way anyone will even know where you are.

    FEMA have over 200 prison camps set up around the U. S. already fully staffed with guards. FEMA has bought 100's of thousand of plastic coffins that will seal and stack like cord wood until they can be desposed of in not yet built ovens or mass graves. One camp in Alaska will hold one million people.

    Our government says these camps are built for illegals entering this country. At the same time our government has paved the way for these illegals with housing, food stamps, schooling, job training,cash, child care, free medical that has forced some hospitals to close from bankruptcy. I have watched, first hand, illegal  walk off scott free from crimes that would have an American citizen doing long hard time in a federal prison.

    Any man that gives up liberty for a little safety deserves neither. Well we did, it's called the Patriot Act and we have neither. Republicans and Democrats fighting about little worthless problems unable to see what they have realy lost. It's 9 to 5, watch the nightly news that tell you what they want you to believe, then do the same tomorrow.

    When by only one vote the Supreme Court, who swore an oath to honor the doctrines of this country, confirm a basic God given right, the Second Amendment that should set off an alarm in every American who loves freedom that something is wrong. With their knowledge of the Bill of Rights,  the Federalist Papers, and the words of our founders a vote against the Second Amendment wasn't ignorance but treason and we the people should have held them liable. We did nothing.

    We give billions to the UN which is a useless bunch of felons who live in the best New York hotels, party till they drop,and get away with breaking any and all laws, while their countrymen sleep on dirt and their young die from starvation. A place on American soil every two bit dictator can stand up and have the ear of the world to call  us murders,war mongers and the Great Satan while we are the most

    generous people on Earth. A group whose human rights committee is  made up of it's biggest violators.Yet, once again, our government lets it  stand, against the American peoples' wishes, but we do nothing.

    Our government for 35 years has ignored our dependence to Middle East oil and still do to this day so whose fault is it we now pay $4.00 A gallon. No new nuclear power, or wind, or solar. Hydrogen the most plentiful gas in all the universe. A quart of water can produce 1,800 cubic feet of this 120 octane fuel but only a few that unlock our governments secret have applyed it. Bush said he was putting $40 billion on hydrogen reserch for hydrogen fuel stations.  When anybody with a little knowledge knows a little voltage added to water will produce the gas as you drive. Lier to and talked to as if we are brainless sheep but we do nothing.


    When FBI snipers were used to murder innocent women and childern. When it was an every day event the BATF were smashing in doors in the dead of night filling law abiding Americans with  armor piercing machinegun fire.When the Clintons lied saying a church group was running a meth lab to be able to use the military and ordered the death of the Davidans that was the straw. But the people didn't want to hear the cry of the camel as his back bowed and finally broke,  and will still not hear till it's their turn at being the camel.  It will then be their shouts that fall on deaf ears until soon there will be none left to hear.

    We stood by and allowed 435 greedy, evil, and Godless criminals to steal our  cash, our property, and our rights,  our freedom, These self centered tyrants, without a word , gave away 70% of our land to the UN. with a secret show of hands vote passing the Desertforcation Act. The UN can now   "dictate"   the use of 70% of our land. Not one of our elected tyrants sounded the alarm.They all commited an act of high treason. We did nothing

    Our elected officals deserve what all greedy, lying, treasonist, tyrants deserve but  they are still in power become richer by the day as we do nothing.

    Our founders handed us freedom bought with their blood.  We abused that right never having to earn it and now hand our childern the chains of slavery. We,  the sheep who never had the will or time to open our eyes, deserve what we get and alot more.

  5. Sianari, adios, goodbye.  Don't let the door k**b of America hit you in the @ss as you leave.

  6. Promises, promises....j/k.....You might want to re-think that thought.  Instead of leaving, make sure you do all you can to change what bothers you.  We have had nearly eight years of bad management of our country, but don't give up.  Things can change with new ideas and different people.  If there is a place called the "Garden of Eden" or "Shangri-la", it's probably on a different planet!

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