
Reward the Illegals but prosecute the Employers?

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When Hillary Clinton discussed her plan for handling the illegal aliens’ problems she said she would push for punishing employers who hire illegals but in the same conversation she said she would work to make a program available for the illegals to get their citizenship by paying a small fine and learning English. The illegals would be getting a huge bonus while our employers pay the price! They both need to be prosecuted not reward one while punishing the other! Why would we want to do more against our own people than the illegals?




  1. The employers definitely are the bigger offender.  Just think about it:  if no one bought stolen property, thieves would be out of business.  The employers are robbing our country of the taxes these employees should be paying.

    Ms. Clinton might be considering the improbability of rounding up all illegal immigrants and sending them home.  But, if they are here, I would prefer they know English.

  2. Actually, the priority is or should be to prosecute first the citizens of the USA that intentionally and for profit, violate the laws of the USA.  They are the ones that create the worst half of the problem.  Then, talk about the people who come here without papers.  Most of them come here out of desperation and their purpose is to make some money to send back home for their families.  They, because of their higher intention, do not deserve to be singled out and vilified.  The situation can be resolved when we are guided by a higher moral compass.

  3. This's the point. Many Americans are lazy, and they don't like to work, They like to smoke, drink, and party, and wait for the government to support them . Mexicans are very good workers. Mexico doesn't have the blessings of such a wonderful government like the United States has many opportunity's for people. Americans like to abuse the systems, and not take advantage of what the United States has to offer. Hillary is just looking for votes, and will say anything to win the election vote change,vote Obama. I do't believe in Hillary Clinton any way.

  4. Harsh penalties must be meted on employers of illegals because it might be one of the effective measures to curb illegal immigration.

  5. because up is the new down, black is the new white.

    did you not get the latest socialist propaganda memo from the democrat party?  they are all tripping over themselves trying to outdo the "illegal" vote.

    makes one sick.

  6. Rewards for illegal immigrants, come what you really don't see what's going on. ( Voters) most illegal immigrants to come into this country, our poor that's a fact.  And it's a known fact that people or poor will vote Democrat.  Because they tax the rich man to pay to fix all the poor man's problems.  Plus all the illegal immigrants, get the same benefits as poor Americans.  They get welfare food stamps government aid.  So what Hillary Clinton is trying to do is straddle the fence.  You can't reward one and punish the other.  But the reward aspect of this whole thing, she lost the vote of the blacks.  Now he is trying to gain the vote of the Hispanics.

  7. American corporations want the cheap labor.  But also the policies of the government exacerbate the problem.  There is a need for 400,000 agricultural workers, but only enough visas for 40-50,000.  The entire problem is complex.   It isn't as simple as "amnesty," "closing the borders," "deporting al the illegals," or "prosecuting those who hire illegals."  

    Where Clinton is right is those who want to work should not be punished for their willingness to work.

  8. If the illegals were not here to hire the employers wouldn't hire them.  The government has simply let them flow over the border for so many years without paying any attention except when the issue of border security came about after 911.  We still do not have control of our border.  The government is lame.

    The illegals should be deported and allowed the opportunity to enter the country legally.  Certain entry points should be set up along the border that can issue legal papers for entry.  A recent report showed that illegal entry is still occurring by climbing over the border wall so something seriously needs to be done to stop this invasion by illegals who come here and spend most of their free time reproducing themselves.  If they are willing to break our laws getting sneaking into our country then they most likely will break our other laws as well.  They ride around in cars without license or insurance which is an epidemic practice with illegals. After the accident we have to pay.  When they are arrested we have to pay.

    The illegal population is growing at an alarming rate.  Hillary is out of her mind with her plan.  It shows that she does not have the back bone of which she speaks.  If we punish the employers the illegals will be out of work and resort to crime in order to further their illegal survival.   Hillary is pandering to the Hispanic community in her desperate attempt at getting elected.

  9. It's OUR 'employers' who are the ones most to blame here.

    I don't agree with the reward system for illegals, one shouldn't reward any law breaker.

    If the employers could put the good of the nation above their own greed, then we wouldn't be in the recession we are in now.

  10. Just another of the indicators of how Hillary Clinton balances reality with truth. In spite of the common knowledge that the illegal aliens are costing the United States tax payers billions of dollars a year she would allow them to stay here after paying a very small fine. Those immigrants who come here legally spend thousands of dollars and waite their turn to do it legally. Why would we force the law abiding immigrants to do it correctly and then let the illegals get by with little punishments. That would only encourage the people to do it the illegal way. Reminds me of the time when you would be fined $50.00 for rustling and butchering a cow but you got $300.00 worth the beef.

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