
Rewind time, would you risk your life to fight aganist the n**i regime?

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If you were 20 in 1944, would you volunteer to storm Omaha Beach?




  1. Well if I knew about the future, yeah probably, but if I didnt I might not. Buy im 15 right now, so idk what I would think if I was 20.

  2. I'd be nervous, but that wouldn't stop me from signing up.  Especially knowing the threat that n**i Germany posed for the well-being of the rest of the world.

  3. Very doubtful. Not because I don't despise the n**i regime. But because I come from an old German soldier family with a proud military history. Such as in world war II, I had 22 relatives who were in active service in the Wehrmacht and SS and did not live to see the end of the war.

    The general tandems of loyalty, patriotism and honor would have forbidden me from serving any armed forces but that of my native country. As quite a few Wehrmacht soldiers said, they did not serve the n***s. They served Germany, that it was the n***s in power was not an issue as the Wehrmacht is apolitical (Hence why most generals in the Wehrmacht never had n**i party membership).

    My feelings about my government would be secondary to the duty I should be obliged to complete as a citizen of my nation. This is similar to the comparison, simply because you disagree with Clinton/Bush/Obama/etc.. as President you refuse to serve in the armed forces. The two are not related. Simply because I find the n***s distasteful, would not have been a motivator for me not to serve in the Wehrmacht or German armed forces in WW2.

  4. Absolutely.

  5. I'd be there right next to Audie Murphy and he would be struggling to keep up with me.


    Unless I was in an internment camp because half my family is German.

  6. I don't think I could reason myself into a right to life if I were unwilling to commit that life to something greater than myself, even if that commitment may be the means to the end of my life.  The right path is obvious; however, the decision isn't quite as easily come by.

  7. No, but I would surely cheer them on. However, if I was drafted I would fight. Having the benefit of hindsight the last thing that I would want is to be cannon fodder- I'd much more willingly submit to a fair likelihood of survival on an even game board,so to speak. The idea of getting out of a boat and into a bloody sea onto a beach full of mayhem is something no one can rationally contemplate in advance.  

  8. yep...especially if The Obama was on the other side

  9. The opportunity to serve along side units such as the 1st, 28th, 29th and 69th Infantry Divisions, the 1st, 2nd and 4th Armored Divisions, the 13th, 17th, 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions.  The list is endless of units that demonstrated the American resolve to defeat the Germans and made place for themselves in military history.  Only a fool would not want to be part of it, even the smallest part...

  10. Ever seen that series, "Band of Brothers", directed by Tom Hanks? If not, go check it out.

    If you *have* seen it, are you asking if I'd go through all of the atrocities and brutality involved in that conflict, and put my life on the line to ensure an allied victory over what was possibly the most popularly known force of evil in the 20th century?

    ...Short answer? **** yeah, I would. And I have mass respect for those that did.

  11. It all depends on situation at the time but after comprehensive study of the Holocaust the n**i force tapped into and defeated all rebel groups such as the "swing kids" and as a 20 year old you would have been recruited by now into the Hitler youth as a boy. In answer, having looked at the atrocities caused i would say yes, but in the situation i know my answer has the potential to differ.

  12. Without hesitation.

    It is but a small thing to give ones life for the right thing!

  13. Where do I sign up! I would have been there since  Dec 7, 1941 if I wasn't already old enough to fight with the Brits as foreigner either with the Canadians or such......

    Bad thing is as I would also have to change my skin color to white (I'm a brotha) so I could jump into Normandy with the 2/505th PIR, 82nd ABN (one of last units I served with recently) or even hit Omaha with my current unit the 1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) or scale Pointe Du Hoc with the Rangers (served with the 7th Ranger Training Battalion, Desert Phase, as Ranger School cadre).

    But it's all good, I got my chance to fight our current dirtbags in Afghanistan and Iraq with the 82nd ABN and 1st Armored Division and the 101st ABN recently over the last few years. So I feel I did my part for the history books and saved some people who needed (In Bosnia twice with my LRS unit back in the 90s also) . Now I can teach English at an all girls college in Sweden.

    Anyway, after going to Normandy in 1998 and seeing the all beaches....I feel what we did was good and it renewed my commitment to fight evil here or somewhere else.

    Edit: I get to fight alongside Oscar Six to boot! h**l yeah!

  14. Knowing the future, yes. Unknowing of the future. Probably not.

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