
Rf transmitter and receiver circuits?

by  |  earlier

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1. Circuits have place to attach a power supply (like copper wire with a current running through it) on the circuit, right?

2. Could i hook up a pushbutton switch on the rf transmitter?

3. With rf receivers, when they receive the signal does it put out a realitivly strong electrical current (enough to power a dc motor)?

4. Is it somewhat easy to solder (could a 13 year old do it (me))?

5. Where can i go to get other answers to questions i'll have later?

Thank you!




  1. You little Ham Radio operator. There is a hobby called Amateur radio that is just suited for you. People work with radios doing all sorts of things.

    The hobby requires you to get a ham license, but kids 10 years old or younger get their license.. There should be a club fairly close to you and I am pretty sure one of your neighbors is a ham. To get a license, you study a book and pass a test. It is not as hard as it sounds, but once you get the license, you can talk to other hams and get help. Your Science teacher should also be able to help you.

    Put your zipcode in the search box in this link and it will show you other hams near by. Be polite and let them know you want to learn about radio and they should help you find an "elmer" (some one to help you learn).

    Now your answers.

    1) Yes, Often a tall blue can looking thing called an electrolyte capacitor is across the plus and common of the circuit. Caution, it you use AC power or hook up DC power backwards, the electrolyte capacitor can explode or you could kill your circuit.

    2)  Yes, A push button could make the transmitter turn off and on. This is what a morse code transmitter does.

    3) Probably not, but it is not hard to get it to drive a small relay to operate the motor.

    4) Yes you can, but be careful...After 35 years as an electronic technician, I burned myself with the soldering pencil yesterday...Just a stupid mistake. Use flux. Practice first taking something broken apart. Always remove power first. NEVER SOLDER ANYTHING WITH POWER APPLIED!!

    5) Email me. Become a ham.

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