
Rgb on a sony tv what is it and what does it do?

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Rgb on a sony tv what is it and what does it do?




  1. isnt it red-green-blue abbreviation and type of color tube ur tv has????

  2. Not just on Sony televisions.

    RGB = Red, Green, Blue. These are the primary colours used to construct the colour tv picture. If you look closely at the screen of a cathode ray tube then you'll see the coloured dots. They're not so easily visible on a modern flat panel screen.

    Most televisions have RGB inputs but they're usually incorporated in the SCART sockets. It is normally the best of several types of video input to use for things like Sky boxes, VHS machines and DVD players. SCART inputs are not capable of handling HD pictures.

    If it is a modern telly and you're looking at a row of three coloured phono sockets then they are probably not RGB inputs.

    HD television sets often have three phono sockets on the back. These are (confusingly) coloured red, green and blue; but they are NOT inputs for red, green, blue (RGB) video signals.  If you look closely at their lables they'll be labelled something like Pr, Pb, G (or YR, YB,G). These sockets are designated as "Component Video" (don't confuse this with "Composite Video"). Component Video is colour difference signals which this is not the same as RGB, which is electrically the three separate colour intensity (Hue) signals.  

    The Component Video inputs are capable of delivering near HD standard video, but more often than not they're used for getting the best from Standard Video sources. Many good DVD players have Compnent Video outputs on them. If you use these then it can free-up a SCART socket on your set, but you'll have to find an audio input to the tv to carry the sound.

  3. Do you mean the three wires at the back or front of the tele that are red green and blue, (RGB) they are used for high definition tv.

  4. We need more information to answer this question: -

    You could be referring to the scart input at the back of the TV labelled RGB (Red, Green, Brown) or you could be referring to RGB in one of the Input setting on the system menu.

    Please provide more information if you still need the answer.


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