
Rgogam shot questions?

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I received the rhogam shot a week ago. I've read all about it before I got the shot, but I am still confused about some things.

One thing I read was that during your first pregnancy the baby will not be affected, but any babies you have after wards would be.

So if my hubby is rh- too why did I have to get the shot?

Also from my understanding the baby gets one after he is born, why is this?

Then I read this, "these moms received the rhogam injections during their pregnancy and are now caring for neurologically injured children."

Is this true?

My doctor didnt explain things at all, and now I am becoming worried.

Will someone please explain these things to me and in lay man terms, so that I can understand it completely.




  1. Your baby does not get a shot of Rhogam after he's born. Mom get's a shot during pregnancy and she should also get a shot 72hrs after delivery. Rho-gam protects your baby's blood cells from being attacked by your blood cells. Your blood cells must be Rh - and your baby's is Rh+ meaning your baby's blood has something yours doesn't.  And it shouldn't affect your first pregancy, just those thereafter.

  2. You are given the injection so that your immune system does not react to babies blood if it is RH+ -  Please note it IS possible for two RH- parent to have an RH+ baby.   If you did not get the injecton now then any future baby may have poblems with your immune system attacking their RH+ cells.

    So it is always better to have the injection.

    Now the research on the damaged children is not particularly from the injection but seems to indicate mercury poisoning as the cause, you need to confirm with the doctor that your injection was/is mercury free.

  3. no it is not a fact that rhogham will harm your baby it IS a fact that without it you or the child can die. The first child is USUALLY unaffected but this is not always true either. I personally know someone who had complications because of rh complications with her first. She was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks.

  4. I'm A (-).  I have had the Rhogam shot with all my pregnancies during and after the pregnancy.  Never did my daughter have to have the shot herself after birth and I've never heard of it either.  I've never given a newborn a Rhogam shot either.  It's more for the protection of your future pregnancies.  If you're Rh negative and if there's ever a chance that you end up with an Rh positive baby in you and you DON'T get the shot, then your body will reject ANY pregnancy that is Rh positive for the rest of your life and you will miscarry or have stillborns forever - it's a very sad state and I've seen it a couple of times where women didn't get the shot after a miscarriage.  You will get the shot regardless of what blood type your husband is.  As healthcare providers we're not to take people at their words.  Sometimes people don't remember or they're guessing or for all they know their husbands aren't the father and they're not saying.  People lie for all kinds of personal reasons and it's not a reason for us to risk the lives of the mother or the baby.  I've never heard of a baby being neurologically injured either - not from the shot at least.  Issues in pregnancy or with birth, yes.  The shot?  No.  Be rest assured, it's really for the good of you and the baby plus your future babies.

  5. Im not sure about the neurological stuff.

    Im A- & RHneg. Hubby is A+.

    THe shot is to make sure AFTER this pregnancy that you have all other pregnancies safely and do not have to worry about risks.

    So your other little ones(if youdecide to have) won't get harmed, and either will you!

    The this is..

    If your baby is RHpos and you are RHneg you body will attack the baby like its a foreign object in your its a virus...

    BUT THE SHOT STOPS THIS..INCASE you baby isnt your blood type :)

    My aunt-she had our blood problem...and they didnt ever effect her until her 3 child(which misscarried in month 5.) due to the fact of the RH NEG FACTOR....

    Mommys blood attacks if its a virus trying to hurt mommy..

    buttttt the RHOGAM SHOT....protects baby & mommy making each compatible..

    hope I helped a bit.
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