
Rh-, miscarriage?

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Hi, i have just suffered a second miscarriage in the space of 4 months... I am Rh-, boyfriend Rh+, could this have been a factor in the 2nd miscarriage? 1st m/c happened naturally, no injection given, 2nd m/c needed d&c, injection given this time after procedure.




  1. I don't think that will cause it, but taking an antidepressant can.

    Here's my story.

    Are you taking Prozac or another anti-depressant?

    When I was 20 and first became sexually active, I was a day late and then started to bleed profusely. There were heavy heavy clots, and when I stood up from a chair at college, the blood just seeped down my leg and soaked my pants. For two days I woke up in a puddle of blood in my bed. This lasted for five days, but the last two days were lighter.

    I called my boyfriend who took me to the doctor and I was tested. He said that it was likely that I had been pregnant, but the test was negative because it was too early to read it, even if I was still pregnant.

    Now I am married and have two children, ages 11 and 6. In between them I had three more miscarriages between weeks 8 and 16. The first one I saw on ultrasound with no heartbeat. My doctor told me to go home and let nature run its course. After five days I couldn't take it anymore. I called the doctor and he prescribed a drug to put me into labor- I had to take one each hour for three hours. He didn't even think about pain killers, but I had some in the medicine cabinet from a different problem. I was sent home to deliver with my husband a fleshy baby boy about two inches long - at home. (It was the saddest day of my life.) The second one was a blighted ovum, and the third one was at 12 weeks. At this point I insisted on a DNC.

    I got to know all the symptoms of pregnancy and miscarriage by our second loss. I could tell the day of implantation by the cramping and sometimes light bleeding. Headaches signalled the end of hcg production, as well as cramps and heavy heavy bleeding and clots were the passing of tissue and cleansing my body. The cause of my miscarriages? Prozac. I went off of it for my last pregnancy, upon the advice of a fertility specialist and Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. He said that some women cannot carry a baby while taking Prozac. - I am one of them.

    After my 6 year old was born, I developed very heavy bleeding and cramping on a monthly basis. It caused severe anemia, (headaches constantly) so I had a uterine ablation which ended my cycles. I haven't had a period for over a year and I still have my uterus and ovaries!

    You might get an iron test or start taking iron supplements, as low iron can actually cause miscarriage.

    One helpful thing I was told to do after one miscarriage are to take one baby asprin a day. It doesn't hurt the baby, but since many miscarriages are caused by blood clots in the fetus, it helps prevent this.

    Hang in there and let God know that you aren't going to give up until you have an answer! Someday soon you will be holding that baby in your arms with tears of joy like I was!

  2. no it has nothing to do with that, just keep in mind if you are bleeding a lot they may have you get the rhogam shot! they also have you get the shot after d&c and giving birth just for future pregnancies. fortunately, being Rh- has nothing to do with mc's, im hopeful that your next pregnancy is successful!

  3. At what point did your miscarriages occur?  RH disease ordinarily does not cause miscarriage until sometime during the 2nd trimester (at that point, it is typically due to fetal demise).

    A natural miscarriage 12 weeks or earlier ordinarily does not cause any problems at all.  The D&C would at any time.  The majority of sensitization occurs after a birth, so I would personally look to other causes.

    So sorry this happened.  I had one at 8 weeks and was so unhappy for a long time.  It was due to poor placental attachment.
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