
Rh Neg. and Rh Pos.?

by Guest63637  |  earlier

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Hypothetically....if Rh neg. is a descendant blood type from nephilim's or fallin angels, and I'm A Pos. What exactly would that mean for me? I can't find any info on pos. Would it mean i'm more human? A creation from monkeys, out of the earth that "God" created? All I read is glorifying rants and raves for Rh- if someone could give me their honest opinion, i'd really appreciate it! Will not be offended! :)




  1. All your assumptions are wrong. It is like somebody saying that we have descended from monkeys . It is not true.

    When a person is Rhesus positive he has the antigen which is present in the Rhesus macaque monkey.

    Rh + ve or -ve means whether we are having or not having, in our red blood cells, an antigen that resembles a similar antigen in Rhesus monkeys.

    Iam a medical doctor.

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