
Rhetorical fallacies and double standards?

by  |  earlier

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Going through a list of fallacies and examples, I have taken note of the fact that nearly every argument falls under one fallacy or another. I think people have illogically reasoned though truth to come up with any and all rule to "prove" their opposition is fallacious. Its really sad, I can give a perfectly valid argument to something... and someone will tell me its a sort of fallacy. But I perfectly explain why its not... and even if I change the argument slightly to correct the presumption, they toss out another accusation which is sometimes exactly the opposite of what they sited before. There are so many different fallacies, and if you find the right one you can argue against any position in any argument that you simply have chosen to not believe.




  1. So what's the question? It seems to me you're commenting upon the tendency people have to hear what they want and believe what they want. This is a revelation? How long has it taken you to come to this realization? Unless there's some subtlety that escapes me....which, given my limited intellect, is entirely possible, you're stating the obvious and something I realized a very long time ago. Give up, kid, it's pointless to reason with the unreasonable, or pursue logic with those who are,by their very nature, illogical: "You must not ask fools and charlatans to respect that to which they are blind from birth."

  2. Example please.

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