
Rhianna umbrella?

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for school me and my group have to make a dance routine for the song umbrella(remix) by rhianna

is there any easy dance moves that can help us get started cause we are totally blan right now






  1. well for one make sure you have as little clothes on as possible, you will get a good mark for sure. secondly practice pole dancing... in the nude.... infront of a video camera. finally you should sell your body for prositution


    look at this video, there's not a ton of dancing, but it's rihanna's music video and you can use some of her moves

    she also uses an umbrella in it and dances with it a bit...

  3. try out various hiphop/jazz/funk moves

    they always work for umbrella

  4. well, this might sound a little juvenile, but i don't exactly know how old you are so it could go two ways:

    if you are younger (11+under): you could use umbrellas and do a cute dance with umbrella choreography, which sounds more difficult than it really is. easy steps look really great when everybody is synchronized

    if you are a little older (12+up): you could do a sort of fast-moving hip hop dance, with a lot of foot movement and easy arm movements that looks cool.  also, synchronization is also important, because usually people look at the group as a whole until someone messes up.  you could each have a part of about 10 seconds in the dance where you take front stage and do your own thing with the rest of the group behind you using a simple prop (black hat or black umbrella) doing a simple base step that you would do while each individual goes up to the front.

    i really hope this helps you, good luck in your preformance!
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