
Rhodiola Rosea?

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i started taking rhodiola herbal supplement 2 weeks ago. i dediced to have it because of mild anxiety and thyroid disorder. how long before i could see the effects of this supplement?




  1. What type of thyroid disorder? Under or over active? Caution!

    Also known as Artic Root or Golden Root, Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) has a long history of use in the traditional medicines of Russia, Scandinavia and other countries as an adaptogen for use in the management of stress and its attendant symptoms. It has been used to promote physical endurance and stamina and manage fatigue and depression, maintain healthy digestive function and increase work productivity.

    It appears to help in cases of adrenal exhaustion.

    Do not use in hyperactive individuals, manic conditions and bipolar disorder.

    And what is the strenght of the remedy? Is is standardized?

    If you are using Rhodiola rosea (Arctic Root) 350mg

    Equiv. Salidroside 875ug

    Equiv. Rosavins 1.75mg

    Then two tablets per day on the empty stomach about 30min.before meals.

    With this intake it can take up to 1month before you feel a real improvement.

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