
Rhyme or song to say before a meal?

by Guest34019  |  earlier

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I am looking for a song or a rhyme to say with my 3 year old class before a meal (snack/lunch). We have been singing whatever simple song I can think of off the top of my head. But I'd like to have something cute about manners or food that we can say before meals. Non-religious, please.

Thank you!




  1. In a Head Start program we always did "Open them shut them".

    Open them shut them (hands)

    open them shut them

    Give them a little clap

    Open them shut them

    Open them shut them

    Lay them in your lap

  2. Here's the one my daughter just learned in preschool. I really like it :

    We have 2 eyes to look around

    We have 2 ears to hear the sound.

    We have a nose to smell things sweet.

    We have a mouth, it's time to eat!

    Bon Apetit!

    (optional)Today we say thank you to....(each day a different child would supply the snack)

    Hope you like it!

  3. When I joined the class I work in now, they sing this song before snack time:

    Snack, Snack, it's a fact

    it's almost time for snack.

    My hungry tummy is telling me

    it's almost time for snack snack snack

  4. Lets Be Thankful

    Lets be thankful for this day,

    For our friends and for our play.

    Lets be thankful, lets be glad,

    for the food and things we have.

    Lets be thankful for you and me

    and our homes and families.

    I use the above with my 3 year old classroom before breakfast and lunch.  We sing it and use sign language.  

    Here is another one I have used in the past:

       I'm Peaceful

    In front of me peaceful  (point to front)

    beside me peaceful     (both hands to the sides)

    behind me peaceful     (hands behind you)

    all around me peaceful (move hands around body)

    I'm peaceful.              (fold hands together and place on table)

      When everyone has their hands on the table we begin serving.

  5. We  also did the open them , close them rhyme. The kids pick it up easy and it is so cute.

  6. Here are a link to a couple of songs:

  7. Thank you for this food so good; help us do the things we should.

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