
Ribbon ideas?

by  |  earlier

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So for people who show a lot, what do you do w/ all your ribbons? I hang mine up in my room, but the problem is, they are EVERYWHERE. Like, it looks like ribbons exploded in my room. They are on every peice of furniture, hanging on every frame, on every wall, on my curtain rods, my bed,my dressers, bookcase, Im just tired of crowding up my room.

But I don't want to take them down, I want to show my accomplishments.

So, is there a nice, simple way that yall display all of your ribbons




  1. I  have that problem, but my parents bought me a tropy case. That really helps and organizes and its easy for everyone to see. Also I've started to make a border, around my room, it makes it look really cool.

  2. i have shelves in my room near my celing that i put trphies and stuff on, and then i started showing, and i just hooked them off of the sides, because as you know they have the small metal peice to bend and hook it on something. i have them everywhere and all of my blue ribbions are hanging fromteh top of my desk

  3. ya, i do the same thing... and have the same problem. lol. i'd like to know too, so i'll give his a star. : )

    EDIT: oh, i found an idea!!!

  4. i saw this thing in a magazine- this lady makes quilts out of ribbons and makes them in nice patterns and you can hang it on your wall. I dont remember what it's called, but just search "ribbon quilts" i guess.

  5. ive put all of my ribbons on my wall. I tied string to hooks and litterally covered the whole wall with them. It does use a wall but still looks neater than having them all over the place.


  6. depending on the kind of ribbons, i've seen people actually sew them togeather in to pillows and stuff! Well good luck and hopefully someday i'll have so many i wont know what to do with them!

  7. Well I know that you can make them into belts...

  8. I hang mine on the wall but when it gets full I try stacking them so that you can still see the ribbon underneath and the one on top of that one and plus it looks really cool!
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