
Ric flair question please all everyone answer?

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even if hhh wins a whole lot of titles hel never be remmeberd like hbk or flair, oh and in svr 08 since flair is going into legends and problably putting him in his prime out of 100 how many points does he get prediction?




  1. As far as Triple H I respect the gut he is a great entertainer and wrestler but I think he is overrated just because he is married to Stephanie because trust me they would not let HHH go a year without winning gold. Like last night on Smackdown they tried to make it a big deal that Triple H was going to compete be serious!. As for Flair I think they will put him in the game as apart of the roster still. But then again he could be a Ledgened in the game though. If I were IGN I'd put him in as a Ledgened.  

  2. like 98 lol he'd be like real hard to beat then lol


    Wrestling is not real, it's a bunch of scripted BS.

    Who Cares???

    Get a Life People!!

  4. i think yuo mean 09

    i think he will get 89

    (speed and stamina =bad)

    (charisma and submission) =great)

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