
Rich, white...s****....

by  |  earlier

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It really irritates me how because I go to private school and am white and can afford certain things people assume I'm stuck up or s****. or a *****! It also annoys me when people rich people assume they are better than you because they know that THEY have money...they don't have a clue what I have so don't judge me!

sorry lol

anyone agree?




  1. idk.. they do that cause maybe they have what many want and with tht they use that as better cause they have the "better" things. if the meaning of money goes away or at least the value then theyll have nothing to show off...  

  2. I think richer people have no character because they havnt had to go through tough times in order to build it. I would personally respect and rather be friends with a working class person because they are more down to earth...

  3. Just remember this...

    Your Daddy is Rich not you

  4. People are going to judge you no matter WHAT.  Who you are, what you do, how much you have or don't have, what you look like...etc....

    Poor people have stigmas, rich people have stigmas, fat, skinny, happy, shy, brown, purple...whatever.

    The best you can do is be a good person and let your character speak for itself.

    And use this quote:

    Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

  5. Give me all your money

  6. YES! A lot of rich people do think they are better! But some rich peopl are nice.

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