
Rich Harden couldn't even record 10 Ks today... should the Cubs try to get rid of him?

by Guest10847  |  earlier

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He seems to be losing it.




  1. I know, he only got 9 K's today, what's wrong with him?

    EDIT:  It's amazing how many stupid baseball fans there are out there that can't sense sarcasm at all.

  2. i like the sarcasm, but Harden has played very well since coming over from the A's

    and the answer is no, obviously

  3. sure give him to the phillies. we'll take 9 Ks any day. and harden only pitched 7 innings. 2 more innings and he wouldve had over 10. you need to lower you're expectations because you cant get much better than what he did

  4. lets see u strike out 10 per game

  5. I'll take him.  

  6. hahaha

  7. We'll trade you for our rookie pitching sensation Homer Bailey. 15 hits in 4 innings... huh?  En-ticing!  

  8. Yes, they should try to do it after today's trade line has passed.  Heck, I think they should try for Brett Farve!

    Seriously, do you Cub fans have to see doom and gloom in everthing?  

  9. give the guy a brake you cant always throw 10ks a game

  10. Uh, seriously? 10k's are hard to get

  11. Haha. I'm seeing a downfall, must have taken a tip from Jason Marquis. :-\

  12. I have a Billy Goat I'd be willing to trade for him.

  13. I can see now why Oakland traded him; he only has 39 Ks in 24.3 innings since coming to the Cubs. What a slacker!

  14. No he is a great pitcher

  15. it makes me sick too, Where the h**l is Mark Prior?  

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