
Rich people in South Africa?

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Were do they usually hang out?? like where would you find them in their yacht's and sports cars?? Cape Town? durban??




  1. I don't know what to tell you


    rich people in south africa

    I think they stay with their friends

    or in their job

    or something like that

  2. Slaughtering animals in their gardens in some kind of ritualistic pagan culture or working out more ways to thieve the Country's wealth.

  3. one will find rich people all over SA..Cape Town, Durban Johannesburg, (Sandton) or they cruise the slums to see if they could get any freebies..or the real spoiled brats go into townships and cause trouble and its okay..but they usually in Sandton..when in Josie..or hang out at the will spot them..just cruise around the different will spot a rich kid a mile off!! bling bling!!

  4. Cape Town as far as i know. I south africa being rich means that you have 20 mil rand in the bank.

  5. Behind their heavily fortified gated homes , South Africa is a very dangerous place to live these days....

  6. When someone names a suburb and they say it almost with a wowness to their voice, you know that's where the rich people are.

    In Cape Town try Llandudno, Sea Point, Muizenberg, Milnerton, Somerset West.

    Don't know where the rich areas are in the other provinces.

  7. You find them where they chose to be.

  8. True youll find a lot of them in the Western Cape (Cape Town Knysna etc) but theres also a lot of affluent areas in Gauteng.

    Places like Bedfordview, Houghton, Rosebank, Sandton ,come to think of it - most of northern JHB.

    Dont know about Pretoria tho...

  9. I heard of Khayalami Crest yesterday and my boyfriend seemed pretty wowed bout it, I think rich folks live there. Go to the expensive stores in the malls or any place you cant afford, you'll find them there. Though I have learnt that a certain percentage of these people dont always flaunt their wealth and tend to blend in with normal society unnoticed. This is but a handful though. My college shared a campus with kids from Vega and Bond whose dad are CEO's, managers and directors...most seemed down to earth, but could sure take you places. Try Houghton as well as other affluent suburbs.... (hey, I've had a chance to rub shoulders with the rich but not so famous and aim to get there one day)

  10. With all the violence and turmoil in South Africa why  would any sane person want to venture there?

  11. There a 3 classes of rich people in my eyes.

    1) The retired ones lives on Cape Town or along the coast or have a nice game farm in the Timbavati.

    2) The working ones that has someone to run there business does the same as the retired people.

    3) The people who still look after there interests, these you find living in Santon, Rivonia, Silverlakes, Sandhurst, Waterkloof.

    Just out of interest the most expensive property in SA now is Goede Hoop estimated at R150m and was recently sold to a Brit.

  12. Lots of rich people in SA live in normal neighborhoods and do not flaunt their wealth. However, the super rich do live in most of the areas mentioned on this thread.

    When I started working in a bank, I had access to many bank accounts and lots of people had very very very huge bank balances but you would never say when you looked at them.

    The richest guy i know lives in an area called Athlone in cape town on the cape flats. This guy is stinking rich, he owns most of the property in Athlone and lots of property in other areas, he owns a travel agency, a very busy road house (take out joint), a chain of butcheries who supply all halaal meat to woolies.

    But he drives a 1994 BMW 318i and my house look better than what his does. Go figure!

  13. I think they reside in Cape Town like you said.

  14. In Parliament.

  15. usually in Cape Town living the life!

  16. i think people from L.A. are richer and in Connecticut you should see the houses in connecticut like near where 50 cent lives they are so rich it isnt even funny

  17. where u will get rich ppl in africa....avarage they are poor....

  18. Knysna(Garden Route), Misty Cliffs(South Peninsula), Camps Bay, Llundudno, Tamboerskloof, Oranjezicht(cape town), and many other places... There are alot of rich whiteys, but there are millions more on the breadline living just the other side of the road...

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