
Richard Dawkins, a legend :-), said that evidence for God's close to zero but would never say the word proof?

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Well, there are deists. So people still believe there's a god/deity even though Dawkins said it's highly improbable, and also - deists aren't brainwashed by the delusion of organized religion and its silly superstitions.

Richard Dawkins said that there is still MUCH MORE WE DON'T KNOW, so what do you think is that higher power beyond this world that made us accidentally....or maybe it is some infinite intelligent mind that made us for a purpose?




  1. I think we "made" ourselves. I also think we forget that we "are" the universe as much as the stars, time and space are.

    I think we're just part of the universe that realizes it's own consciousness. It's possible (in my world) that the rest of the universe is just as conscious as we are but we just can't (don't?) communicate with it. Possibly because our perception of "time" blinds us to the eternal "now" we can never be there, or be conscious of it because of the "duality" nature of our thoughts. When we realize ""now" it's already "then". We, unlike the universe are "in time/space" so we can't even see anything outside of it any more than we can see the outside of the galaxy we're in.

    Here's an answer from another question that I think ties in.

    "Human thought operates in time. Time allows us to perceive duality, this and that, before and after. We "think" that because there is a "now" there HAD to be a "then".

    But, really, aside from human perception of time there's absolutely NO reason that there had to be a creation and that the universe itself is "within time".

    In fact, it can't be "within time" because time did not exist before the Big Bang.

    So....the universe was NOT created, it is eternal and not contained in time.

    The "singular conscious universe "created" space/time within itself, OF itself (a singular entity with a dual nature matter and energy.

    That's my story ;)"

    And you's interesting that the most ancient Jews spoke of this duality in divine terms, in Genisis:

    "After the birth of Ishmael, God reveals himself as "ElShaddai", Almighty God, Double Breasted God

  2. Richard Dawkins point is that its unlikely there is a

    "higher power beyond this world that made us accidentally....or maybe it is some infinite intelligent mind that made us for a purpose".

  3. Dawkins was exxpressing an opinion.  Do not confuse opinions with facts.

  4. Asie from all evidence for natural selection etc. I've noticed that nothing in the universe is that simple. A being making everything is too simple. in the past, people looked for answers to phenomena they saw and started religions. Now, some people have broken the boundaries of dogmatic thinking and choose to believe in more sound ideas.

  5. Who cares what Dawkins or Einstein or Newton says/ don't get credit in science for being famous or for being published, meaning that some 23-year old grad student could cut you off at the knees if he discovers something ...  two, I don't doubt there is more to know, if not we could pack our bags and go home... three, I vaguely grasp that you're looking for an answer to your hinted-at question regarding an "Intelligent mind"...maybe there is one, but as we've said before in here, prove it.  The burden of proof lies with the affirmative, so go knock yerself out.

  6. I do believe in God, no matter what your Mr. Dawkins claims. There has never been an archaeological finding that has disproved anything that the bible said. No one has found the "missing link" in human evolution yet, because there isn't one. And the Big Bang Theory is still a bit debatable. I believe that there could have been a big bang, but if there was, God created it. God did create us, and for a purpose. To serve him. But he did also give you free will, and you can choose to ignore God's plan for you, turn away from him completely, and think I'm a crazy delusional religious/superstitious freak. But he's still there, whether you like it or not.

  7. People who have a good understanding of science NEVER use the word 'proof'. In science, there just is no such thing. You can't even 'prove' that gravity exists. All we can ever expect from science is a preponderance of evidence. The only things that can be proved are mathematical theorems.

    As for this putative higher power of yours, there exists no evidence for or against, so I remain agnostic. If any sort of higher power does exist, I think it could only be of the sort that deists propose.

  8. The truth is out there for anyone wishing and willing to seek.... for anyone wishing to break the chains of 2000 years of spiritual oppression and move on to a belief in a universal God of unconditional Love, A God within all of us, a Jesus (if that was even his true name) among others who came to show us what we are all capable of, not to be worshipped and Idolized, but  be revered for his ability to overcome the physical world and followed as an example of what we all can become. That time has come now, a time for our spirits to rise and "be". That of course, is up to each of us to achieve. It does not mean that we cannot enjoy and experience the physical world, that's part of what we are here for but we simply should not be identified with it. Unfortunately we as human beings have contrived a world and a God in our own image, creating limitations, laws, belief systems and rules. Our ego-minds prefer a belief system in which we seek security, comfort and ultimately salvation. Unfortunately we hold onto those beliefs with a white-knuckle grip, fearful that God will sweep us away into an fiery h**l for all of eternity. Don't waste you life believing in limitations or religous dogma, set your mind free to believe and wonder, for life and Love is eternal. Just remember the real world is not always the one we are seeing.., what we see is temporal, and created by our minds, what is unseen is eternal, and given freely by the Creator of all there is. Are we an accident?...I doubt it.

  9. Do you believe that I am 40 or 41?  You have no evidence to lead you to a conclusion, so it might be presumptious to declare a belief.

    Do you believe I am 141?  The only evidence you have is this case is the fact that I am making an extraordinary claim that, if true, would surely be investigated, documented, and publicized.  The lack of positive evidence of my 141 years of age is, to some degree, evidence that it is not the case.

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