
Richard Gasquet a lil too defensive about his sexuality.What's his deal??

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Q. Who is the girl watching your match with your uncle?

Richard GasGay: Not my girl. I don’t know. Not my girl, for sure. No, no, no, I

have just friends. Men friends, BUT I'M NOT g*y.

Note* this is not the first time the guy has become a defensive of his sexuality.

jeeeez! the guy just can't help pointing out that he's not g*y. We get it, he's straight and he doesn't always have to mention it.

Whom is he trying to convince..?




  1. Of course he's defensive. People keep bringing up the subject that he's g*y all the time. How would you feel if people are more interested in your sexuality instead of your game? And about that interview which he said he'd like to find a chinese girlfriend, i think he just wanted to please the chinese crowd.

  2. if he's that defensive then i have to agree about the denial element. i think most guys,including myself,have gone through that period. but of course richard is in a completely different position than most of us. he's an athlete....a famous athlete at that....plays in a sport which obviously doesn't seem keen on g*y men coming out....

    maybe he's afraid? scared that he might lose his sponsors....scared he might face intolerant sentiments from the other guys....

  3. How about yourself Rafa Rocks? Shall I just state that you're g*y, regardless of any denials you may pose? Remember if you deny it, it MUST mean you are g*y...if that is the premise you base Richard's sexuality on, then your theory must stand true.

    Seriously, what is Richard's sexuality to you unless you are interested in wanting to date him, or have a big crush on him otherwise. Whom are you trying to convince with your question? Low brow, sad and pathetic.

  4. Maybe he's g*y, but doesn't want to admit it, or wants to make it clear to everyone that he is really not g*y. That was weird they ask him that.

  5. It's ironic hearing a Frenchman get defensive about his sexuality.  Maybe he was insecure, and didn't want his country men to know that he's heterosexual.

  6. You know what they say about guys who make a point to say they're not g*y.  The ones who are most outspoken about it are usually the ones who have something to hide about themselves.  Just fling open those closet doors Richard Gasquet!  Amelie Mauresmo is waiting on the other side to greet you with champagne and brie!  Vive la difference!

  7. I don't if he is g*y or not. I just know he has a girlfriend who plays professionally.

  8. Well, the story started for Gasquet when a French magazine tried to "out" him by claiming they had proof that he was having an affair with a married older man. It's been an ongoing issue with the French tabloids trying to prove (what most already suspect) that he's g*y.

    Understandably, he's a little defensive but I think he would've been better off just saying I don't know who the girl is, period. I think in that same interview he  mentioned wanting to find a Chinese girlfriend which sounded like a lame attempt to sound straight. If he doesn't want people to talk about his sexuality then maybe it's a good idea not to talk about it himself.

    I like Gasquet as a player and I could care less if he's g*y or straight. I wish he'd care more about his game than what people are thinking or saying about his sexuality.

  9. haha Well deary sounds like a good case of denial ;) I have g*y friends and one of them would still denie it even though all of us knew he was g*y lol It was weird all the signs were there ahaha But seriously he just wouldnt admit it. We were at a party of his and he left to go to a club so we all just hung about his place when he came back from the club he brought back a guy lol and said he was an old mate from college he bumped into. We just rolled our eyes and said OK! Then later on that night he came down in his housecoat and said the guy he brought back was upstairs sleeping in his bedroom. He finally came out the closet, now he doesnt shut up about his gayness.

    Anyway back to your question i kinda went off track huh ? Maybe Gasquet is g*y but just doesnt want to admit it, it would be kinda strange tho for him to keep saying ``im not g*y`` Obviously that will cause suspision to everyone. Otherwise he is homophobic and really wants to make it crystal clear he isnt g*y or something i duno lol ! All i know is he better keep his eyes off Rafa in the locker room grrrr ! haha He can have any other guy on tour but not Nadal lol !!!

    Vamos Rafa x*x

  10. Leave the guy alone!!!! Gasquet is one of the most talented players and he should be respected for that, not judging on his sexual orientation! g*y is OK, we are all different, but Gasquet isn't g*y! Go. Richard!!!

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