
Riddle : Heavy Lifting

by  |  earlier

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A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why?




  1. i think this is suppose to be tricky

    but since i can't figure it out

    i'm going to go with the hired help

  2. the hired helper as he was paid for doing the job. the farmer i think was not supposed to do this job.

    {now , i think the farmer carried the heavier load as he carried the sacks and paid for it too.}

  3. d**n I got it but too slow. farmer because his bag is full

  4. You could either think of it as the hired carrying two empty sacks

    or... sacs... yeah... perv o.o

    either way its the farmer

  5. the farmer, because, in addition to the grain, he already has 2 sacks of his own.

  6. The contained grains... the help, not very helpful...

  7. The farmer, because his sack contained grain, the hired help only carried sacks...!
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