
Riddle for those who think outside of the box...!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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A man is traveling with a WOLF, a SHEEP and a BAG OF WHEAT.....He gets to a river he must cross and has a boat that only allows himself and ONE animal/ object to cross at a time.

He CAN'T leave the wolf with the sheep because the wolf would eat the sheep and he CAN'T leave the sheep and the wheat since the sheep would eat the wheat.

He can only go back and fourth with ONE THING at a time....

what shall he do....?

***Remember **** at either side of the river he CAN'T leave the Sheep & Wolf or The Wheat and Sheep together alone..

have fun .... : )




  1. the wolf and the wheat?

  2. Take the sheep with him first

  3. the sheep across first...leaving the wolf and the wheat...then takes the wolf to the otherside....and trades places with the sheep.. taking the sheep back across to the orginal side and trades it for the wheat....takes the wheat to the other side and then goes back and gets the sheep....

    Problem solved

  4. Well first of all you take the sheep over to the other side then go back for the wolf. but u have to pick up the sheep agan and drop it off so you can pick up the wheat and drop it over the other side then you go back for the sheep.

  5. 1> take the sheep across

    2> go back and take the wolf across

    3> take the sheep back across

    4>take the wheat across

    5> take the sheep across

    man this is such a classic. ive heard this one countless times but it was always with a bag of wheat but instead of the wolf and the sheep it was a fox and a chicken.

  6. first bring over the wheat

    then the wolf

    and then the sheep

  7. He first takes the sheep with him. Leaves it at the opposite side and goes back. This time he takes the wolf with him, drops it off, but picks up the sheep again and goes back, dropping the sheep on the side it started on. He takes the bag of wheat to the other side and drops it with the wolf. He then goes back and gets the sheep, returning to the other side.


  8. take the sheep across

    2)bring the wolf across

    3)bring the sheep back

    4) take the wheat across

    5)take the sheep across



  10. no stinking idea

  11. He takes the sheep across and comes back for the wheat.  Takes the wheat across and brings back the sheep.  Takes the wolf across and comes back for the sheep.  He takes the sheep across.  Problem solved>

  12. I have 2 answer for ur question

    The correct answer:

    First the man should bring his sheep across and he returns back to e other side of e riverbank empty handed.

    Next fetch e wolf across and bring back e sheep together with him.

    Now e man is with e sheep and e wheat,leaving e wolf on e otherside of e bank.

    Afterwhich, e man shld bring along e bag of wheat across leaving e sheep alone at the start point.He returns to his sheep empty handed

    Finally,e man fetch e sheep across.

    There u have it.e man,e wolf, e sheep, n e bag of wheat.

    Piece of cake

    The lame answers

    1)E man is too bz tryin to keep e e wolf,sheep and e wheat safe frm each other frm e most likely he won't cross e river.Or e man decided not to bring them anymore

    2)E man decides to build a bigger boat to contain everyone

    3)As soon as e man leaves e sheep alone,it wander off and gone missing

    4)E bag of wheat was suddenly pecked by birds til there none left so e man only left with e wolf n sheep to attend to

    5)Knocked out e wolf n sheep,then e man can have all e time in e world to bring either 1 across

    Tings like tat r a nice try,good laugh too.Enjoy yourself.Cheers

  13. bring sheep

    bring wheat or wolf  take sheep back

    bring wheat or wolf

    Go back and bring Sheep.

  14. ima take a shot at this...hmmm...

    1. take the sheep

    2. go back and get the wolf

    3. get the sheep and take the sheep back

    4. get the wheat  take it across w/ the wolf

    5. go back and get the sheep....

    am i right?

  15. 1. wheat

    2. wolf because wolf doesnt it wheat

    3. sheep because it cant eat eat and cant be eatin because his with the man

  16. wolf and wheat

  17. Take the sheep first, drop off.

    Go get the wolf, drop off and take the sheep back across, leave on first bank.

    Take the wheat across, drop off.

    Go back and get sheep.

  18. it says he must cross never said anything bout them

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