
Riddle me this III.......[kinda]

by  |  earlier

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Here I go again! Enjoy!

1. Pick a number (any number you'd like, remember this number)

2. Double your number (muiltiply it by 2)

3. Add 6 to your new number.

4. Divide the number you now have by 2.

5. Now take the number you started with and subtract it from the number you have now.

...Is your number 3? =)




  1. yeah. and i started with three.

  2. Wow, weird.

    11 x 2 = 22 + 6 = 28 / 2 = 14 - 11 = 3

  3. its cool but hate to burst you bubble because thats an old trick it allways ends up half of what you told them to add which is six in your case

  4. scary

  5. no........ it isnt

    u suck jk

  6. freaky

  7. well done :)

  8. Why yes it!

  9. Wait, these always get me, and i still havn't figured out why... everyone else is always like : "wow, what an old, boring trick," and i'm like "wait, am i the only one amazed by this?" I always feel like an idiot. Oh well, still fun!!

  10. omg!  thats the most amazing question ever!

    are you criss angel?

    i started with 17

    doubled it to 34

    added 6 to make 40

    divided by 2 to make 20

    and subtracted my initial 17 to make 3!!!

    AHH im so excited.


  11. That's because when you add six and divide by 2, all that's left is 3. Nice trick =D

  12. very simple actually, if you choose x as the number, this is how it works out:

    Step  1: x

    Step 2: 2x

    Step 3: 2x + 6

    Step 4: (2x + 6) / 2 = x + 3

    Step 5: (x + 3) - x = 3

    So no matter what number you start with, you always end up with 3

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