
Riddle me this: If someone is standing at a bus stop & another person comes along, who should say hi first ?

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There's a question that should boggle the mind. Not only should you give an answer but say as to why who should say 'hi' first.




  1. The person that comes along. Because he wasn't there first.

  2. The person who just walked up.

    As the least established person in that location, they bear the responsibility of introductions to prevent awkwardness.

    This is the main reason Ipods and MP3's are so common, it removes the need to introduce one's self, because it would interrupt the person listening to music, and would therefor be more rude than not introducing yourself.

  3. What?  Are you the RIDDLER or something?

    Whomever desires to say, "Hello" first should be the one to say HELLO!  It's unfortunate that these days, such pleasantries are often overlooked, ignored, or even advised against!  What we SHOULD be doing is encouraging more of the common courtesies and pleasantries!

    I talk to strangers ALL the time.  Some look at me as if I just sprouted a tree from my head!  But most times, pleasant conversation can be exchanged, and a happier day is in the offing because of it.

    Have a polite day.

  4. the person who first notices the other person

  5. Uh, not mind-boggling at all.

    There's no reason for anyone to speak.

    If one person feels compelled to say "hi" then they may do so.

    But neither has an obligation to speak first or at all.

  6. You should only speak if you make eye contact. In which case you both need to speak at the same time.  

  7. my mommy told me not to talk to strangers

  8. nobody

  9. Look at it the same way as if someone was to walk up to a room full of people. The person who walks in says hi first or introduces him/herself. However at a bus stop nobody really says anything unless they want to, so whoever feels friendly should say hi :P

  10. probably the one that is standing there and about 2 seconds later the other one should say hi. so its more like a joint hi

  11. I'm a friendly person, so I would say "hi" if I approached someone

    already at the bus stop.  However, if I was at the bus stop first,

    I would probably let the one approaching say "hi" first.  This is

    just my personal preference.

  12. uh i say the person who's walkin up

  13. I'd say give it about 2 seconds and if the other hadn't spoken, go for it. And if nothing else, a quick eye contact and smile should suffice IMHO.

  14. i think the person who is in the space first should welcome anyone coming towards that space. it just seems nicer that way.  

  15. both at the same time

  16. Do they know each other?  I wouldn't initiate a conversation at a bus stop with someone I wouldn't know.  If they do know each other, then it will be based on the relationship; whoever has the more outgoing personality will say hi first.

  17. wait i am confused

  18. This really isn't a riddle, it's a simple question.

    Whoever makes eye contact first should say hello. It's no big deal and it doesn't boggle the mind.

    I look at the individual and if he/she looks back at me, I say hello. If they avoid eye contact, I keep going.

  19. I think that's up to the people involved. I would say Hi first because I'm always interested in meeting new people. I don't think it's a matter of protocol but one of what your personality type is like.

    That's my opinion.

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