
Riddle of the alleged Swiss bank account of extesorero CDC

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Police have handed over to the anti-corruption prosecutor a document that ensures the extesorero of Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC) Daniel Osácar Escrig have an account in Switzerland with 1.28 million euros. Osácar faces a request of seven and a half years in prison in the case Palau receivable allegedly Ferrovial commissions in exchange for the award of large public works during the last government of Jordi Pujol. This week, Anticorruption sent the document to one of its delegates in Barcelona, ​​Emilio Sánchez Ulled - Palau- attorney that case send it to the judge investigating the case. The magistrate must decide what to do with that data.

The alleged Swiss account of who was responsible for finance Nationalist Party from 2005 to 2010, when he resigned, forced by the scandal has been located by police during an investigation parallel to the case of Palau through contacts between police in both countries, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

The police information accurately account number, stresses that opened in 2002 in Zurich Credit Suisse, where he has remained uninterruptedly alive, and that the balance containing the end of last year was 1,285,655 euros. The research is not clear, however, neither the origin of the money or how income is made. The package does not include bank documents proving the information or explain how police obtained the data itself. Police sources say they were facilitated by " a confidant."

The CDC extesorero have opened the account in 2002, just as the outflows of Ferrovial Convergència (6.6 million total) were more intense. That year, in the twilight of Pujol stage, they came to the party coffers € 1.5 million, almost triple that of any other year as the "criminal agreement" between the builder and the party, according to the tax - had three years running. Osácar, 78, is one of 17 defendants in the case Palau, but has always denied having enriched bites Ferrovial.

Osácar flatly refuses to hold an account at the Swiss country. Sources close to extesorero recall that in 2002 he had no responsibility for accounts of the party, in fact, did not hold senior positions in CDC- and who was appointed after the death of his predecessor, Carles Torrent, by his experience in the business world: for years, was representative of the company Natur System. The defense has asked Osácar Credit Suisse negative Osácar certification to show that " is not, nor has been," holder "of an account in that or any other entity," according to its environment.

For now, no official investigation Osácar account. The document addressed to Anticorruption - four pages of a report containing information on Osácar and 30 others with clipping - has become his official entry into the prosecution. But for the information it contains is yet to be confirmed judicialized, and the trial judge should send (and receive) a rogatory commission. None of that has happened yet. Ie: the police and prosecutors have alleged opaque data extesorero CDC account, but no one has investigated and made ​​the decision to do so.

The report has also been almost a month in the anti-corruption prosecutor in Madrid. According to police, the paper was delivered in early January by Marcelino Blas Martin, head of Internal Affairs, who signed a letter of referral. During the last month, sources denied that the police Anti-Corruption had dealt or " reported " anything about Osácar. The delivery of the document caused some paralysis on Corruption, and the knowledge of its existence has caused surprise in the prosecution of Catalonia. Anticorruption insists that the delivery has been registered this week.

Corruption fears - there - suspicions that the alleged account Osácar have the same pedigree as the "pending draft Register" UDEF on the possible recovery of public works kickbacks by President Artur Mas and president Jordi Pujol, which would have admitted some of that money in Swiss accounts. The judge who investigated the looting of the Palau de la Música, Josep Maria Pijuan (now retired), denied the validity of this assumption draft, which blotted the last campaign of the Catalan regional elections of 2012. The UDEF own hands washed and separated of authorship and ghost and anonymous report.

Martin Commissioner Blas and kept before the commencement of the Catalan campaign a meeting with Sanchez Ulled dates. In it, the former head of the UDEF, José Luis Oliveras, appointed head of the Intelligence Center of Organized Crime (CICO), offered unqualified to take over the investigation of Palau and get results.

All these circumstances keep prosecutors to fly behind the ear, despite the police insistence that the information " is good " and just have to officially confirm it.

Osácar Daniel is accused of influence peddling Corruption and money, so in addition to the prison sentence is asked to pay a fine of 20 million under the Palau case. In the documents, the extesorero is cited as " Daniel", and has been designated by the Treasury and the prosecution and the receiver of fees allegedly paid to CDC Ferrovial, disguised as donations to Palau. Researchers also have found evidence that allegedly would have Osácar another account in Gibraltar, but the sources were not confirmed.

 Tags: account, alleged, bank, CDC, extesorero, Riddle, Swiss


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