
Riddle of the <span title="Day............................?">Day.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Q) What belongs to you but other people use it more than you?




  1. Your name.

  2. my paper at school and pencils...!

  3. your name

  4. my name.........GOD

  5. i was 3 hours late.. the answer is NAME

    PEACE =D

  6. My money...

  7. My side of the hubby will attest to that!!

  8. my 9&quot; pizza

  9. My name :- anderson..

  10. Your friendship! That is my answer and I&#039;m sticking to it.

  11. ler pagi2 buta da ko tanya riddle..tgh &quot;blur&quot;

    Edit: Mertabak jawa banyak d jual d sini..tak payah tunggu posa mmg sentiasa ada..sedap wa cakap lu..makan satu nak lagi...ewah cam iklan la plak..adei lapar..hahhaha

  12. ...bubor cha cha one.....but oways my wife eat until finish

    ....but i lak yang rase sedap....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

    Dear Dva,

    My name is mamak kat Zam Zam Rest kat Arab Street near Sultan Mosque.We sell murtabak...but i dont know whether taste like murtabak Jawa.I oso never see murtabak Jawa b4.Oso u can buy at almost all Indian stall kat hawker centre or kedai kopi.

    Mamak kawan Adi....

    PS...if u find one in Spore...pls tell me...i oso very mengidam nak rase...dah 10 bulan dah...

  13. Bubur cha cha cha adi tu warna putih.. Cair.. Tu die rasa sedap.. Habis kene makan his wife.. Waahh..

  14. Happiness... hepi, you give it more for other people to use than using it yourself.

    Oh nooo! So nice of jiwang... I&#039;m turning into you... Nooooo!

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