
Riddles - where can I find some decent ones with answers?

by  |  earlier

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I forget what we used to call them in primary school, something with a c? Lol. Umm but yeah, if anyone knows any good ones and has the answers, that would be good.

I can remember the one about the man laying dead in the field with the parcel...and it being a parachute.

Theres one about a basketballer and a letterbox?

I dont remember many haha, but if you have any id love to hear them!!

Thanks in advance




  1. A man and a woman are driving along when suddenly they run out of petrol. So the man gets out the car after shutting all the windows and locking all the doors so there is no way of entry and goes of to find some more petrol.

    A few hours later...

    The man returns with the petrol in hand and checks on the woman. She is dead and there is a stranger who he has never seen before sitting next to the woman. No-one has been in or out of the car, what happened?

    scroll down for answer




    Such a long way down so you have to read the question first.

    Answer: They were driving to the hospital as the woman was pregnant. When the man was out the woman had the baby but died during child birth. The stranger was the baby.

  2. are you referring to conundrums?

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